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The Metabolic Muscle Growth System

The Metabolic Muscle Growth System                                       


The Secret to Building Bigger, Stronger, Powerful Muscles Fast!






Dear Weight Gainer,

                Congratulations on your purchase of the METABOLIC MUSCLE GROWTH SYSTEMã.  You are now in possession of what we feel to be the most advanced and proven weight gaining system put together.  The MMGSã has been in development since 1983.  The weight trainers used for experimentation were all hard to gain weight trainers with little success.  The system, if followed correctly, will yield gains of 10 to 25 lbs. in a eight to 12-week period.  The only thing you must add to the system to make it work is 100% determination and belief in yourself, this we cannot give you, you must get it from yourself.  If you give the MMGSã 100% effort and follow it correctly as others have, you will quite possibly make the best gains of your career.  I really do like to hear from my readers and clients, so feel free to write me and tell us of your progress.  What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.  Thank you very much and Good Luck!


Power Health Always,  Daniel Przyojski


Metabolic Muscle Growth System



The Power Health Products Metabolic Muscle Growth System, referred to here as MMGS, is designed for the hard to gain muscle person.  The MMGSã if followed to the letter, will add muscle size and weight to your body GUARANTEED!.  Lifting poundage’s will also increase.


The MMGSã of training and proper nutrition is designed to set your metabolism in a growth cycle.  This can only happen when three basic needs are met, each being equally important.


First, the training system must be followed correctly and with proper lifting performance.  Improper lifts only bring on injury.  The combination of muscle bulk and power is the result of hard, intense work done correctly.


Next is proper nutrition.  When the muscles are stressed and the metabolism kicks in, the body must be supplied with only nutritious foods, in quantities sufficient for growth.  The nutrition program supplied is cycled to increase along with your needs.


Last, but definitely not least, is proper recuperation.  This includes 7 ½ to 8 hours sleep a night, a full 48 hours between workouts, and a low stress lifestyle.


What must be understood here is the lifting of weight in the gym tear the muscle down.  The recuperation time between workouts is actually when the muscle grows and strengthens when you train too often, the muscle never has time to repair and grow, you simply keep tearing it down.


The MMGSã of training will increase size and strength at the same time, for its entire conception and value lies within the Metabolic Stimulation Effect.


The secret to developing massive muscular size as well as incredible lifting strength lies within you ability to take a severe workload for a continuous length of time.  The reason most people cannot keep making improvements is due to their inability to work with heavy weights week in and week out.


With this lifting program, you will be able to keep lifting heavier weight for many months because you will receive plenty of rest between workouts.  Your lifts will increase because your size will increase with proper recuperation.


Enclosed is a three-day per week routine.

Follow it for a period of 10 to 12 weeks.

Do not change or modify.

After this cycle, you will move on up to the advanced level of training.  Follow this cycle for a period of 10 to 12 weeks.  When completed take a break from training for 14 days, this will allow your system to rest and recover from stress and keep your metabolism in progressive anabolic state.  After this period of rest start over with the first cycle and proceed on through the program.


If a body builder wants to make massive gains and really pack on the muscle and strength, proper nutrition is a must.  Nutrition is at least 50% to 60% responsible for optimum muscle growth.  That’s why I included a nutrition program.


To help your metabolism work at it’s peak performance and keep in an anabolic state, Power Health Products has recommended two special formulas: A METABOLIC OPTIMIZER, will help your metabolism perform at its peak by feeding your system the key nutrients needed to keep in anabolic state vital for continued growth.  A METABOLIC OPTIMIZER should be taken with breakfast in the morning and ½ hour before each work out.  AMINO ACID TABLETS in a formulated timed release base are designed to help keep your nitrogen level positive throughout the day, thus helping to keep your metabolism in a positive anabolic state.  Two or three tablets should be taken with each meal.


We hope you will follow the MMGSã to the letter, and make fantastic gains as many have.  Please write and tell me of the progress you have made.  I’ll be happy to hear from you.



·Remember, your safety is a number one concern.

·Never try to exceed your limits.

·When lifts are heavy be sure to have a spotter.

·Always prepare your mind as well as your body, and you’ll

have the best workouts of your career.

Dan Przyojski

Mr. Toledo, Masters Mr. Michigan,

Author of From Tragedy To Triumph



Bench Press; 2 sets of 10 for a warm-up, then do 5 sets 8/6/5/4/2 reps, using increasingly heavier weight.

Military Press; use the same warm-up and working sets as in the bench press.

Bent over Row; use the same warm-up and working sets as in the bench press.

Barbell Curl; use the same warm-up and working sets as in the bench press.



Full Squat; 1 set of 10 or 20 for a warm-up.  Then 8/6/4/3/2 reps.  Reduce weight to 6% of maximum lift and do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Deadlift; 2 sets of 10 for warm-up.  Increase weight and do 5 sets of 3 to 5 reps each set.


Bench Press; 5 sets of 10 reps with a weight of 50% to 60% of your maximum lift.

Full Squat; same sets and reps as above.

Deadlift; same sets and reps as above.

Bent over Row; same sets and reps as above.

Barbell Curl; same sets and reps as above.


Rest no more than 75 seconds between each set on Friday’s workout.  It is a light day used to recuperate the muscles by flushing out toxins and waste in your system with the pump.  Fridays work out is very important to set up your metabolic system for growth.  Do not miss this workout.





On 1 & 2 the diet should be divided into 4 meals a day

On 3 & 4 the diet should be divided into 6 meals a day



NOTE:  This is a general diet intended for a person in good health. 

Your physician is the best counsel for individual diet needs.

Bread should be stone ground whole wheat bread.





                                    Orange Juice 1 cup…………………….110

                                    2 eggs……………………………………...150

                                    ½ lb steak………………………………….650

                                    4 cups milk………………………………...660

                                    ¼ lb cottage cheese……………………..100

                                    3 slices sgwh bread……………………..165

                                    2 pats butter……………………………….200

                                    1 serving fruit………………………………75

                                    1 potato…………………………………….105

                                    2 vegetables……………………………….100

                                                                                    TOTAL  2315



                                    Orange Juice 1 cup……………………...110

                                    2 eggs……………………………………...150

                                    ½ lb steak…………………………………650

                                    4 cups milk……………………………….660

                                    ¼ lb cottage cheese…………………….100

                                    4 slices sgww bread……………………220

                                    1 pats butter……………………………..100

                                    2 tbls. Peanut butter…………………….180

                                    1 potato……………………………………105

                                    2 vegetables……………………………..100

                                    Fruit dessert………………………………125

                                    10 cashew nuts………………………….100

                                    2 tbls. Peanut butter…………………….180

                                                                                    TOTAL  2280



                                    3/4 lb steak…………………………………975

                                    2 eggs………………………………………150

                                    4 cups milk………………………………..660

                                    ¼ lb cottage cheese…………………….100

                                    4 slices sgww bread…………………….220

                                    1 pats butter………………………………100

                                    1 glass orange juice...…………………..110

                                    1 potato……………………………………105

                                    2 vegetables………………………………100

                                    Fruit dessert………………………………100

                                    10 cashew nuts………………………….100

                                                                                    TOTAL  2900



                                    3/4 lb steak……………………………….975

                                    2 eggs……………………………………..150

                                    4 cups milk……………………………….660

                                    ¼ lb cottage cheese…………………….100

                                    2 tbls peanut butter……………………..180

4 slices sgww bread…………………….220

                                    1 pats butter………………………….…..100

                                    1 glass orange juice...…………………..110

                                    1 potato……………………………………105

                                    2 vegetables………………………………100

                                    Fruit dessert……………………………...100

                                    20 cashew nuts………………………….100

                                    2 slices cheese…………………………..230

                                                                                    TOTAL  3230

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