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Muscle Volumizing Course

Muscle Volumizing Course

This program combines proper supplements and effective training techniques to maximally increase muscle strength and size.

Wishing you success and may the pump be with you!


Your muscles are 70 % water, to make them bigger and harder you will want to get them as hydrated as possible. If you just drink more water all you will do is spend more time in the bathroom. But there are some factors that will make your muscles hold more water and become as big as possible.

Three factors that will help to super hydrate and volumize your muscles are: 1) Creatine, 2) Glutamine and 3) Vanadyl Sulfate.

1) Creatine Monohydrate is a high powered energy precursor naturally found in red muscle tissue. Creatine helps recycle the muscle's ultimate energy source, ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Increased creatine levels in the muscle help optimize energy turnover so that you have more energy for high intensity exercise and faster recovery, during and after workouts.

The muscles will store more creatine then we consume in our normal diets, (creatine is found in a variety of foods, one of the best sources is lean red meat) by supplementing it the muscles will soak up the extra creatine. When muscles absorb creatine it also brings water with it, this makes the muscles bigger and harder.

2) Glutamine regulates protein synthesis, along with inhibiting protein degradation and stimulating glycogen synthesis. Due to these effects, Glutamine plays an important part in your body by aiding recovery of muscle cells.

In addition, Glutamine has an important cell volumizing effect, which is believed to trigger a growth promoting effect. Glutamine is also a nitrogen transporter, helps in the correction of acidosis, preserves blood pH, and stimulates the immune system.

3) Vanadyl Sulfate works like insulin to help drive significantly more carbohydrates and amino acids from the blood into muscle and liver tissue. Vanadyl Sulfate may help increase muscle and liver glycogen stores, resulting in harder, denser muscles, increased strength and higher energy levels.

In addition, Vanadyl Sulfate may dramatically improve the effectiveness of your other supplements (Creatine and Glutamine) by increasing absorption of them.

This will be your supplement schedule:

Week One:

  • Creatine 5 grams 5 x day.

Week Two:

  • Creatine 5 grams 2 x day (one dose after workout).

  • Glutamine 4 grams 5 x day.

Week Three:

  • Creatine 5 grams 2 x day (one dose after workout).

  • Glutamine 4 grams 3 x day (morning, after workout and bedtime).

  • Vanadyl Sulfate 15 mg 3 day (before meals).

Weeks four to eight:

  • Same as week three.


  • Eat plenty of good food to insure you get all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats you'll need to grow.

  • Drink 1-2 gallons of water daily.

For discount prices on these and other supplements, see our Discount Supplement section.


Training for maximum muscle size requires both heavy movements along with lighter pumping exercise.

On the heavy movements it is important to force your muscles to lift more weight in perfect form as time goes by. You will not get significantly bigger if you are not getting stronger. Work hard on these and plan to see some excellent results.

The lighter movements will help pump up and expand your muscle size even further. These are not super hard sets but they will produce burning and a great pump. You will do them "cramping style", which means you start with slow, rhythmic, constant tension full movements. Then as your muscles tire you shorten the movement till you are doing only small cramping motions in the contracted position. The weight must be relatively light and the reps will be high.

Here is the program:

Workout #1 (Chest, Shoulders and Triceps)

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Bench Press.

  • 1 set (6 to 8 reps) Incline Bench Press.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Pec Deck Fly.

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Barbell Press Overhead.

  • 1 set (6 to 8 reps) Rear Dumbbell Laterals.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Side Dumbbell Laterals.

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Dips.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Triceps Pushdown.

Rest at least 1 or 2 days then do:

Workout #2 (Back, Biceps and Abs)

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Barbell Rows.

  • 1 set (6 to 8 reps) Dumbbell Pullovers.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Close Grip Palm Up Pulldown.

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Barbell Curl.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Dumbbell Concentration Curl.

  • 3 sets (20 reps) Abdominal Crunches.

Rest at least 1 or 2 days then do:

Workout #3 (Thighs and Calves)

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Leg Press.

  • 1 set (6 to 8 reps) Barbell Squat.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Leg Extensions.

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Stiff Leg Deadlift.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Leg Curl.

  • 2 sets (6 to 8 reps) Standing Calf Raise.

  • 1 set (6 to 8 reps) Seated Calf Raise.

  • 3 sets (cramping style) Donkey Calf Raise.

Rest at least 1 or 2 days then start over at workout #1.

Work this program hard for 8 weeks then take a week off and switch to a different program for a while

Other articles by Dan Gallapoo


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