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How To Build "Barn Door Wide" Shoulders

How To Build "Barn Door Wide" Shoulders


After publishing my arm specializtion program, a lot of guys E-mailed me and wanted a shoulder specialization program. Well, you're in luck! I just started on this routine about three weeks ago and am getting some great results from it.

I've always had good front delts, but my side and rear delts have always been weak. This routine seems to be bringing the side and rear heads up to par.

Here's how it works:

We're going to do a tri-set... in other words, three exercises in a row with no rest in between each exercise. The three exercises are:

  • Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals

  • Standing or Seated Front Barbell Press

  • Bent Over Rear Dumbbell Laterals

Each exercise is done for 10 to 12 reps to muscular failure.

This is a pretty intense routine so most guys should only do one series of this tri-set. If you've got good recovery abilities you can try 2 series but watch out for overtraining. I only perform this routine once a week because my delts also get worked strongly when I do chest. (I work chest and delts on separate days.)

As often as possible, try to make small incremental increases in the weights you use for each exercise.

Other articles by Dan Gallapoo


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