What is the Overtraining Syndrome?, By: Marc David Training beyond the body's ability to repair itself. This can be caused by training the same body parts too frequently so that the body does not have time to recover before the next workout. Workouts that...
The 4 Rules of Performance Nutrition, By: Marc David If you are trying to build up muscle or burn off the fat and your eating habits are not optimal... this letter is for you. It's the 4 (four) Rules of Nutrition. Normally I don't like to use the word 'ru...
For Sore Muscles This Works Like Crazy, By:Marc David As discussed in some previous articles, muscle soreness can be caused by three hypothesis (muscle damage, tissue damage, muscle spasms) resulting in cumulative micro trauma resulting in some type of ce...
6 Weight Gain Tips Without Getting Fat, By: Marc David
After you read this short article, you will have leaned some quick tips to start gaining healthy weight. Here's 6 simple ways on how to gain weight without getting fat:
Tip 1: Eating Enough Qua...
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