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Lose Some Body Fat

Lose Some Body Fat

The weather has been warm here in Ohio for about 6 weeks and I decided it's time (actually wayyyy past time) to get cut up for the summer.

Once again, I did the winter "bulk up" thing, which every year I swear I'm not going to do again. It just makes it too hard to get the old body fat back down to reasonable levels. It's so much easier to just stay lean once you get lean.

Anyhoo, I've dropped about 15 pounds of blubber since April and thought I'd share a few of the things that I believe have helped me lose some body fat.

1. Less rest between sets

I only rest about 45 to 60 seconds between sets now. You can't handle as much weight this way but I feel like I'm stressing the muscle more with less stress on the joints.

2. Use a little more volume

Since I can't handle the kinds of weights I normally could if I were resting 3 minutes between sets, I've upped my training volume a little bit. I started with 5 sets of 10 reps per body part and have added one more set of 10 reps each week, until I work up to 10 sets of 10 reps. I'm getting great workouts and awesome pumps and I don't seem to be losing ANY muscle mass. Keep in mind that this is only for about 6 weeks and then I'll lower my training volume and increase the rest between sets so I can handle more weight.

3. Limit carbohydrate intake

I've found a ratio of 50% protein, 30% fat, and 20% carbohydrate works very well for me. Yes, I admit, it gets a little boring, and after a while you get sick of chicken and eggs, but it works VERY well for me. Also, keep in mind that you have to know your daily caloric needs. You can't continually exceed that and expect to lose body fat.

4. Use a thermogenic supplement

Monday through Friday I use a thermogenic supplement 2 to 3 times a day. Then I cycle off of it on the weekend. There are several good thermogenic supplements on the market but I recently developed one for the Doberman Supplements line that I'm very excited about. It's called "Thermabol" and it's PROVEN to accelerate fat loss while preserving muscle tissue. Plus, it has a special ingredient that activates those stubborn A2 receptors located, in men...the love handles, and in women...the hips, thighs, and buttocks. This special ingredient accelerates fat loss in those A2-dominated "problem areas". The initial batch of Thermabol should be ready for shipping any day now so I'll send you a special notice when it's available. Thermabol is formulated to be one of the most effective fat-burners available without a prescription. When you receive the notice that Thermabol is ready for shipping, you probably want to act fast. The initial batch is rather small but the demand is high. I'd hate for you to be put on a back-order list.

So those are a few of the things I've done to lower my body fat. They've worked very well for me and I sincerely hope they work for you, too.


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