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Trenbolone Cycle

A good Trenbolone cycle can be one of the best cycles any performance enhancer will ever complete and while there are many forms and plans to choose from disappointment is rarely a concern you will have. As it is the easiest to control and the most widely available Trenbolone Acetate will be our preferred and recommended Tren form; it is not a must, you can use Trenbolone-Enanthate or Trenbolone- Hexahydrobencylcarbonate (Parabolan) if you so choose but the Acetate form is generally the most efficient. As you may already understand a Trenbolone cycle can be during a period of growth or dieting and in most cases it is equally effective in both; in-fact, it is such an amazing steroid many performance enhancers choose to include it in most of their cycles regardless of purpose.

The Basic Trenbolone Cycle:

While it may be a basic Trenbolone cycle that by no means implies that it is weak but this will be a good place for a first time Tren user to start and in many cases it will be as extensive as many will ever need to go. Your basic Trenbolone cycle will always include testosterone; in-fact we must recommend testosterone with all Trenbolone cycles as the Tren hormone is very suppressive to natural testosterone production; so much so that without testosterone therapy you would have no testosterone in play.

For this Trenbolone cycle our dosing will be at 50mg every other day; if you tolerate that dosing well and still want more 75mg every other day can be well justified. In most cases, regardless of the specific dose the total duration of use will be for 8 weeks; 12 weeks can be used but 8 is far more tolerable by most and in the name of health generally a good place to end. If you are going to enter the 12 week mark of use it is generally better to have some experience with the hormone and to be practicing such methods for very specific purposes such as a competition. For the off-season Trenbolone cycle you will find it stacks very well with testosterone and Dianabol as well as Anadrol if you so choose. During your cutting phase Tren will stack well again with testosterone and other anabolics such as Winstrol and Anavar.

Advanced Trenbolone Cycle:

An advanced Trenbolone cycle will always begin at 100mg every other day and often and in many cases creep its way into dosing levels of 100mg every single day during use. Such every day doses are generally not needed for the off-season athlete; such doses are not going to create enough added growth to warrant the added physical stress; however, daily doses of 100mg per day can be very useful during a diet, particularly later on in the diet close to a competition.

For the off-season advanced Trenbolone cycle of 100mg every other day many will find a combo of Test/Tren/Dbol to be just about unbeatable but for the truly advanced users we at many times recommend an overlapping method. For an effective overlapping Trenbolone cycle the individual might supplement with testosterone and Deca-Durabolin for 12 weeks but at the 10 week mark he would have added in Tren to the equation and by week 12 discontinued his Deca and stuck with Tren and Testosterone only. An overlapping Trenbolone cycle might look like this (example does not include orals such as Dianabol or Anadrol):

    Week 1-20 Testosterone
    Week 1-12 Deca-Durabolin
    Week 10-20 Trenbolone

For the dieting or cutting Trenbolone cycle this is where things can get really exciting as the choices are truly endless. In most cases you will be best served by supplementing with your Tren the latter half of the dieting phase; for example, if you are going to diet for 16 weeks you will want to use the Tren the last 8-12 weeks rather than from the start. You can also use the same overlapping method here as well; many athletes enjoy a Trenbolone cycle that overlaps with Equipoise during this period of use. As for other items, Winstrol, as always testosterone, good AIs and fat burners and if you can swing it a good batch of HGH and youll have a cycle that's hard to beat.

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