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Testosterone Injections

For the anabolic androgenic steroid user there is nothing more common than testosterone injections for it is the testosterone hormone that will be used most frequently and in injectable form. The same can be said of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) patient, as testosterone injections are often the common form of therapy they will receive. In any case there are things to know and understand so that we may maximize our testosterone use in the most effective and efficient means possible but as this is a very well-tolerated hormone and generally very side-effect friendly it is really all very simple. Truth be told, when it comes to testosterone injections there’s really nothing magical happening, there isn’t some monster waiting in the syringe as you may have been led to believe in the past; there’s simply a hormone that your body has produced all of its life and one that you are now ready to take advantage of.

Testosterone Injections – When:

Testosterone can be used at any time and for any cycle. As it is the primary androgen and the primary anabolic androgenic steroid by-which all anabolic androgenic steroids owe their life to it can be used for any cycle and for any purpose. Testosterone is one of the most versatile hormones to have ever existed and for the anabolic steroid users it carries with it nearly every single trait one would be after form the use of anabolic steroids. Bulking or cutting, enhancing on the field athletic performance or simply improving your physique and general quality of life, nothing on this earth will beat regular testosterone injections.

Testosterone Injections – Where:

Testosterone injections can be administered into nearly any muscle on the body and within most muscles there are generally multiple spots in-which the hormone can be injected. Most commonly glutes and shoulders will be used; especially the lateral deltoid head when regarding shoulders but these are not the only spots in-which testosterone injections can be performed; far from it. There are 9 different muscles in-which the process can be applied and as you have two of each muscle that doubles it to 18 locations right off the bat. Further, as alluded to, each muscle has multiple spots, except the glutes, traps and lats that may be injected giving you a total as we will see 34 specific areas. The specific areas in-which testosterone injections may be performed include:

  • Glutes: 1 site
  • Deltoids: 3 sites
  • Biceps: 2 sites
  • Triceps: 3 sites
  • Lats: 1 site
  • Pectorals: 3 sites
  • Quadriceps: 2 sites
  • Traps: 1 site
  • Calves: 2 sites

Recall from earlier, you have two of each muscle, therefore for example, as there are suitable injections spots on the deltoid, as you have 2 deltoids this total jumps up to 6 spots for deltoids alone.

Location of Testosterone Injections:

When we perform testosterone injections we do not arbitrarily stick a needle into the muscle; there are specific points within each muscle that you want to use. Youve probably seen movies or T.V. shows where some guy is supplementing with anabolic steroids and it shows him arbitrarily sticking a needle right into the meat of his butt and then shows him on the field as an animal; in real life that wouldnt happen as he would be temporarily paralyzed. The sciatic nerve runs through our glutes, often the area many movies portray the injection and if you hit the never youre not going to be moving for some time. Each area, each muscle has a spot that may be used and when we know the spots the process is very simple; in reality its no different than eating food its just most dont know how to do it. For example, you wouldnt take a hamburger and try to jam it into your eyeball to eat it, of course not, you know better and testosterone injections are no different.

  • Glutes Upper and outer region of each, approximately 2 inches below the lower back. From the center of the glute go up towards your back till your 2 inches from the top and move to the outside approximately 2-3 inches and inject.
  • Deltoids There are three spots, the anterior, lateral and posterior heads with the lateral being the most convenient. In any case, simply inject directly into the center of the desired muscle.
  • Biceps Into the center of either head, inner our outer but you will want to keep the amounts rather low in-terms of total volume as this is a very small muscle.
  • Triceps Three spots, outer, middle and rear head may all be injected and done so at the center of each head.
  • Lats The center of each lat is the only suitable spot.
  • Pectorals - There are three spots on each pec; the outer lower portion, the middle inside portion and the upper inside area of the pec; most will find the middle area to be very easy with the outer being sometimes a little sensitive.
  • Quadriceps Two spots for each, both the outer and inner heads. The outer head (Sweep) will be far less painful than the inner (tear-drop) but in either case the direct center of each is what youre after.
  • Traps One spot in each trap, dead center of the muscle; this spot is not recommended and should be a last resort.
  • Calves Both the inner and outer head may be injected in the center of each point but many will find this to be very painful as the calf is full of nerve endings.

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