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Court: Second Libyan cleared of importing steroids irregularly

Court: Second Libyan cleared of importing steroids irregularly, By: Francesca Vella


The second Libyan man who was held after attempting to import an amount of steroids was cleared of the charges brought against him after a court found that nowhere in the Maltese law does it indicate that the medicines are restricted.

Amgeb A Abdulhamid, 31, was arraigned on 22 August, accused of failing to declare 4,100 steroid tablets upon his arrival at
Malta International Airport on a flight from Tripoli.

He was arraigned together with Tarek Abd Suliman, 33, who on Tuesday was also cleared of all the charges brought against him.

In both cases, the magistrates heard Tonio Cassar from the Medicines Authority, who said the steroids required a doctor’s prescription and this was recommended when the medicines were imported by foreigners for their own personal use.

The court ruled however, that this does not constitute any legal obligation and therefore the failure to carry a doctor’s prescription would not be considered to be a criminal offence.

The court found that the prosecution did not put forward sufficient evidence that showed that Mr Abdulhamid intended to distribute the tablets commercially.

The man was therefore cleared of all the charges brought against him.

Magistrate Lawrence Quintano presided over the court. Police Inspector Maurice Curmi prosecuted and Dr Roberto Montalto appeared for the accused.


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