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Arizona doctor tied to steroid ring probe
Arizona doctor tied to steroid ring probe
March 24, 2007
A non-practicing Arizona physician has been linked to a federal investigation into use and sale of anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.
Court documents named Dr. David Wilbirt, who at one time had a small medical practice in Scottsdale, but has since been connected to a drug ring with alleged links to anti-aging clinics, "rogue doctors," athletes in search of performance-enhancing drugs, and others "seeking prescriptions via the Internet," The Arizona Republic reported Saturday.
Wilbirt has not been charged, although federal drug investigators in Phoenix told the Republic that he remained "under investigation."
Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided his Tempe home in 2005 where they seized patient files, suspicious drugs, cash and nearly $30,000 in gold and silver coins. Ramona Sanchez, a DEA spokeswoman in Phoenix, said the investigation is "ongoing."
A woman who resides with Wilbirt told the Republic that Wilbirt is recovering from a stroke he suffered two years ago.