HS Athletes Face Suspension for Testing Positive for Steroids
HS Athletes Face Suspension for Testing Positive for Steroids
March 27, 2007
AUSTIN -- Public high school athletes would face a 30-day suspension for a first positive test for steroids under proposed penalties outlined today in Austin.
Senator Kyle Janek of Houston says two more positive tests would result in a permanent ban.
Janek says only a ban on playing football, basketball or any other sport will discourage athletes from taking performance-enhancing drugs.
Although Janek's bill has been pending in the Senate for a few weeks, it is the first time he's outlined specific penalties. Janek says penalties could be added to his bill this week and would write punishments into law, rather than leave it up to the University Interscholastic League.
The bill does not include sanctions for schools whose athletes test positive.
The bill would also require middle school and high school coaches to complete a training program on the dangers of steroid use.