Steroid factor, By: Mike Forte
August 11, 2007
Barry Bonds has surpassed Hank Aaron to become the all-time leader for major-league home runs. This, of course, is not without the controversy of steroid use. When we deal with steroid use, we must take a long look at ourselves, the fans.
We fans love winners and will go to great lengths to be part of the camaraderie, pageantry and bragging rights of our team. We don't mind having our taxes raised to pay for new stadiums and think nothing of paying more each year for season tickets. Observing Bonds playing in the past few weeks, I couldn't help but see that the stadiums were packed, fans were wearing Bonds game jerseys and were fighting hard to recover Bonds' home-run balls.
Athletes are entertainers; they want to make as much money as they can for as long as they can. If the competition is taking a performance-enhancing substance, you will be at a disadvantage if you do not. The pitcher that Bonds hit his record-tying home run off of was suspended in the minor leagues for steroid use. I wonder how many home runs Bonds hit off pitchers who were taking steroids?