McGwire deserves to be in Cooperstown
McGwire deserves to be in Cooperstown, By: Jeremy Ryan
If Mark McGwire doesn’t make it into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, I will never again support baseball in any way.
I’m tired of hearing all this negative stuff about him.
There has been no proof that he used steroids, only hearsay from former teammate Jose Canseco.
The media, though, seem ready to discredit someone’s accomplishments based on the words of someone who never achieved his potential.
The media couldn’t get enough of McGwire in 1998 and ’99, but since he’s had enough of them, he’s suddenly a villain because he refused to answer questions during a political witch hunt.
We should remember that in America, the right to remain silent is a Constitutional right, not an admission of guilt.
Remember McCarthy? How did that turn out?
McGwire and Sammy Sosa saved baseball, but many seem to have forgotten that.
McGwire brought class back to baseball when there was none.