Lawmaker Wants To Look Into Steroids In Horse Racing
federal government to get involved in the horse racing industry
Written By:
Associated Press
February 28, 2008
A Kentucky congressman says it might be time for the federal government to get involved in the horse racing industry in order to get rid of performance-enhancing drugs.
Ed Whitfield is the top Republican on a House panel that is meeting Wednesday to discuss the role of steroids in sports. Among the witnesses expected to testify is Alexander Waldrop, president of the National Thoroughbred Racing Association.
In his opening statement, Whitfield suggested the American horse racing industry has done little over the last three decades to correct perceptions of a drug problem. He blamed steroids in part for the frequent breakdowns of horses on the track.
Whitfield concluded by saying that if the industry doesn't correct itself, it might be time to send the "federal cavalry" into the stables.