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It's about time we start taking on steroids in sports
It's about time we start taking on steroids in sports, By: Paul Armentano
Death of pro wrestler emphasizes the need for media to focus on issue
SO PRO WRESTLER Chris Benoit kills himself, his wife and his 7-year-old son, and now the media's calling for an inquisition into the physical and psychological effects of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs. I say: "Let the games begin." But please, let's not limit this long-overdue investigation solely to those who participate in the pseudo-sport of professional wrestling.
That's not to imply that I don't believe that steroid abuse -- along with the chronic use of prescription painkillers, alcohol and other psychosomatic drug cocktails -- among pro wrestlers isn't a significant story. Au contraire, I've spent the better part of the past 10 years watching many of the grappling heroes of my youth die premature, steroid-implicated deaths (typically as a result of an enlarged heart).
Richard Rood ("Ravishing Rick Rude), "Flyin'" Brian Pillman, Davey Boy Smith ("The British Bulldog"), Eddie Guerrero, "Road Warrior Hawk" Mike Hegstrand -- all headline performers known to fans worldwide for their chiseled physiques; all dead before 45.
Which is precisely why the media need to open their eyes to the growing use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs in the mainstream sports. Let pro wrestling's multiple tragedies serve as a warning to the broader sports world: Either get tough on players' use of illicit performance-enhancing drugs or prepare to grieve forever with the consequences.
Think that pro sports are already cracking down on the use of performance-enhancing drugs? Think again.
Sure, we've all heard about the NFL's "stringent" drug-testing policies. But did you know that the NFL doesn't test for HGH (human growth hormone) -- a favorite and common muscle growth builder among strength-training athletes?
Does the name Justin Strzelczyk mean anything to you? It ought to. The former Pittsburgh Steeler spent the last year of his life exhibiting paranoid and psychotic behavior before leading police on a senseless car chase that abruptly ended his life at age 36. Strzelczyk had suffered several concussions while playing in the NFL and also used steroids.
Does the name Dr. James Shortt ring a bell? It should. He's the physician who was recently convicted of illegally distributing anabolic steroids and human growth hormone to at least seven Carolina Panthers players from 2002 to 2004, including several players who were on the field during the team's 2003 Super Bowl season.
Funny, I heard nary a peep from the media inquiring about pro athletes' rampant illegal use of steroids during his trial.
Lest anyone think I'm unfairly picking on pro football, Major League Baseball has some interesting names of its own -- and I don't just mean Barry Bonds, Jason Giambi, Jose Conseco, Mark McGwire, Gary Sheffield and Rafael Palmiero -- all of whom (aside from Palmeiro) have admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs at different points throughout their careers. (Ironically, only Palmiero ever failed a MLB drug test for anabolic steroids.)
How about former Met's batboy Kirk Radomski, who this past April plead guilty in federal court to supplying anabolic steroids and human growth hormones to dozens of MLB players -- all of whom one would believe also passed their official MLB drug tests with flying colors.
What about Los Angeles Angels outfielder Gary Matthews Jr., and former Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Jason Grimsley? Both names were recently "outed" as customers of a pair of illicit steroid-distribution rings, along with former heavyweight boxing champ Evander Holyfield and -- not surprisingly -- numerous professional wrestlers, including Chris Benoit.
So the media want to take a long hard look at steroids in professional sports? I say, what's taken so long?