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East Coast / West Coast Steroid Rivalry Heats Up

East Coast / West Coast Steroid Rivalry Heats Up

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Both The Notorious B.I.G. Biceps and 6pac Forshur said they hoped their athleticism would bring positive change to inner cities, but with both men murdered, all eyes are again on the East-West steroid feud.

The two professional athletes were central characters in the rivalry between Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative (BALCO) and
Mobile Alabama's Applied Pharmacy Services; but some observers of the performance enhancing scene say focusing on that is unfair.

Carl Shaw, a BALCO publicist, who has represented several grotesquely proportioned jocks, including Shawne "Puffy" Merriman, said it's too early to speculate on what role the bicoastal feud had in their deaths. "Sure, there's been this competition. That's been since day one. But we don't have athletes on the West Coast saying, 'Let's kill off all of those East Coast players so we can sell more human growth hormone in

But Evander "Snoop Dogg" Holyfield, a cousin of 6pac Forshur, disagreed.

"This was a straight-up retaliation for 6pac's death," said the 44 year-old Holyfield, as he marveled at his 3% body fat reflection in the mirror. 'This is my coast!" added Holyfield, assuming a 'Front Lat Spread' pose and seemingly forgetting that he is from

The Notorious B.I.G Biceps was leaving a party celebrating the ESPY Awards when someone drove by and injected B.I.G. through the passenger side door of his GMC Suburban where he was flexing his deltoids. The driver of B.I.G's car drove to a hospital, where the 24-year-old was pronounced "enormous"?and also dead.

Los Angeles police Lt. Ross Fristeed said B.I.G. died of multiple 9 gauge hypodermic needle wounds to the upper body. Police were interviewing about 200 witnesses and hope to soon release a sketch of the suspect, who is described as having gigantic calves and glistening with mineral oil.

No arrests have been made in the September shooting of 6pac, 25, either.

Forshur was in
Las Vegas with Jason "Stool Pigeon" Grimsley Sept. 7 when he was overdosed with nadrolone during a drive-by pose down. 6pac was rushed to the hospital, but died moments later when his rectus abdomini muscle exploded. Grimsley suffered only minor enlargement of his triceps and has been described as very cooperative by Las Vegas police.



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