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David Ortiz May or May Not Have Taken Steroids
David Ortiz May or May Not Have Taken Steroids
May 8, 2007
If you're like me, you most likely always find it a bit off when MLB players claim they don't know what kind of substances they're taking. You know, the "I never knowingly took steroids, but I mean, I guess I could have -- I just get handed stuff by my trainer and take it" routine. They're professional athletes who get paid to sculpt their bodies and play a sport, shouldn't they know the drill?
But in the case of David Ortiz, well I actually happen to believe him when he says something such as this:
"I tell you, I don't know too much about steroids, but I started listening about steroids when they started to bring that [stuff] up, and I started realizing and getting to know a little bit about it," Ortiz told the Herald. "You've got to be careful. ... I used to buy a protein shake in my country. I don't do that any more because they don't have the approval for that here, so I know that, so I'm off of buying things at the GNC back in the Dominican. But it can happen anytime, it can happen. I don't know. I don't know if I drank something in my youth, not knowing it."
My line of thinking here gets very dangerous because it's sort of the anti-Barry Bonds theory. People are quick to condemn Bonds because he's seen as somewhat villainous, whereas Big Papi is a big dumb animal who appears to just want to have a good time. (Although, there is the that whole "Game of Shadows" pile of evidence against Bonds.) Ortiz just seems to be country strong, in similar vain to Adam Dunn or Jim Thome. Again, probably not the best way to approach this topic, but I'm sticking with it nonetheless.
Or maybe this is all just one big crazy plot by Ortiz. Yes, that's it! His goofy facade is just a front for an evil takeover of the world.