The Best Bicep And Tricep Routines of All Time, By: Tom Venuto Next to “six pack abs,” the one muscle group that almost every man and woman wants the most is arms. So, instead of boring you with a ton of arm training physiology and long words like capilla...
How Muscles Respond To Various Training Protocols, By: Tom Venuto The primary difference between the effects of rep ranges on the adaptive response depends on whether the load affects neural factors (low reps) or metabolic factors (higher reps).When you t...
Tom Venuto Talks! - an interview by Jon Benson, By: Tom Venuto JON BENSON INTERVIEWS TOM VENUTO ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS, MEAL REPLACEMENTS, CARDIO, WEIGHT TRAINING, LOSING STUBBORN FAT AND MORE! JB: We’re here today with Tom Venuto. Tom is a trainer and nutriti...
How to Reach the Next Level in Your Training, By: Tom Venuto Evolution. That's the best way I can describe how my training programs have gradually morphed from the simplistic beginner's routines I started using in my parent's garage at age 14 to the advan...
Cortisol, Stress And Body Fat, By: Tom Venuto
It seems that every time science uncovers some type of association between body fat and anything, opportunistic entrepreneurs are waiting in the shadows to create a product and a marketi...
Self Image and Self Sabotage, By: Tom Venuto THE HIDDEN REASON WHY YOU SABOTAGE YOUR DIET AND FITNESS EFFORTS JUST WHEN THE GOING GETS GOOD (AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT)Tell me if this has ever happened to you: You decide you want to improve your body and liv...
The Truth About Counting Calories, By: Tom Venuto Do calories matter or do you simply need to eat certain foods and that will guarantee you’ll lose weight? Should you count calories or can you just count "portions?" Is it necessary to keep a foo...
Fat Loss For Beginners - Part I, By: Tom Venuto EVERYONE who wants to get leaner should read this article. Yes, I know it says "Fat loss for beginners," but sometimes we veterans forget what we once knew or we don't practice what we now know. If...
THE SCIENCE OF GOAL ACHIEVEMENT, By: Tom Venuto Two ridiculously simple but incredibly powerful tools you can start using just minutes from now to achieve any goal you've ever imagined...Someone once said, "Success is setting goals. Everything else i...
How to Stay On Your Diet And Stay In Shape Over The Holidays, By: Tom Venuto My mom makes the most amazing Christmas cake in the world; it's been a tradition in our family for as long as I can remember. First, she mixes up a light, fluffy, vanilla cake mi...
How I Stayed on My Diet & Training Program While Traveling, By: Tom Venuto Most people jump at the chance to hop on a plane and fly somewhere warm and sunny. Especially when it's thirteen degrees and snowy, like it is here in New Jersey in January. No...
Risk To Benefit Ratios of Extreme And Controversial Fat Loss Techniques, By: Tom Venuto Ken Kinakin recently wrote a book called “Optimal Muscle Training,” which is all about biomechanics, anatomy, muscle testing, resistance training technique, and injury...
Fitness STILL Doesn't Come In a Pill, By: Tom Venuto I get approached with questions in the gym a lot. So much that sometimes I feel like an information vending machine. Comes with the territory, I guess. I really don't mind... usually... unless someone t...
Why Are We So Fat? The Real Reason For The Obesity Epidemic, By: Tom Venuto
Why Are We So Fat? That's the question asked in the cover story of a recent issue of National Geographic magazine. "Americans enjoy one of the most luxurious lifestyles on Eart...
Supplement Savvy, By: Tom Venuto Is there such a thing as a natural "energy booster" that really peps you up? Do the so-called fat-burners" actually work? Will protein powders help you build more muscle? Are there legal "steroid replac...
Diet Compliance Vs. Diet Cheating: How Strict Should Your Weight Loss Program Be, By: Tom Venuto Depriving yourself of foods you enjoy is not productive to your fat loss efforts in the long run. If you want to lose fat permanently and healthfully without ...
Nutrition Or Training - Which Is More Important?, By: Tom Venuto Legendary bodybuilding trainer Vince, "The Iron Guru" Gironda was famous for saying, "Bodybuilding is 80% nutrition!" But is this really true or is it just another fitnes...
How to Repair a Damaged Metabolism, By: Tom Venuto
If you have caused metabolic "damage", yes it can be "repaired" and all it takes is the right combination of metabolism stimulating exercise and metabolism stimu...
How Bodybuilders And Fitness Competitors Get So Lean, By: Tom Venuto Bodybuilders have discovered a methodology for losing fat. This practice which is known as peaking is not done year round for a reason. Find out what they do during the year and why. The...
Why You Should Say No To Quick Weight Loss, By: Tom Venuto Patience. It’s the one thing you never seem to have when you’ve got a body fat problem. You want the fat gone and you want it gone now! And why not? It seems so do-able. Everywhere you look, you r...
Everything You Need To Know About Loose Skin And Weight Loss, By: Tom Venuto If you're extremely overweight or if you've been extremely overweight in the past, then you know that getting rid of excess weight is only one of the challenges you face. Once th...
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone!, By: Tom Venuto Take a moment and think about the sum total of everything you're currently doing to improve your health, fitness, physique and athletic performance. Think of every detail; the workouts, the dieting, the level ...
The Joy of Natural Bodybuilding, By: Tom Venuto
Many people choose not to take drugs for fear of health consequences. Although this may be a legitimate concern depending on the degree and duration of drug use, this is not the reason I chose to stay nat...
How To Lose 20 Pounds REALLY, REALLY Fast, By: Tom Venuto
Back "in the day" when I used to be a full time personal trainer and I met with clients in person at my New Jersey Health Club, the first thing I would always ask my clients during the initial c...
Calorie Density for Muscular Immensity!, By: Tom Venuto The secret to packing on pounds of solid muscle mass is simple: For the most part, the types of foods you eat on a muscle-gaining program are the same ones you should eat all the time, whether you w...
How Does A Muscle Get Bigger & Stronger?, By: Tom VenutoThe primary difference between the effects of rep ranges on the adaptive response depends on whether the load affects neural factors (low reps) or metabolic factors (higher reps). When you train ...
Did You Inherit Fat Genes? The Truth About Biology And Body Fat, By: Tom Venuto "Battle Your Biology? Fat Chance," proclaimed a headline recently in the health section of the New York Post newspaper. Quoting new research and citing psychologists...
What a Muscle-Head Bodybuilder Says About Organic Food, By: Tom Venuto Last week I was talking about nutrition with one of my workout buddies and when I mentioned grass fed beef and "organic food” he asked, "Do you mean like what you get at Whol...
Attraction And Weight Loss: Can You Think Yourself Thin?, By: Tom Venuto
On recently broadcast special edition of CNN's Larry King Live, Mr. King interviewed a panel of "mind experts" about how the thoughts you think literally turn into the events you ...
Induction Destruction: The Perils Of Diving Into Strict Diets Headfirst, By: Tom Venuto
Every so often you read a sad story in the newspaper about someone who dove headfirst into a river or lake, without checking to see how deep the water was beforehan...
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