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Muscle Nutrition Program Design

By Jimmy Smith

When it comes to designing our own muscle building program nutrition most people get lazy. Flat out lazy.

When it comes to fat loss, people have their carbs, proteins and fats down to a "T". But when we want to build muscle, no, we slack. So here's some quick points on how I design muscle building nutrition programs.

- Focus on the basics.
-Whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, the only difference between fat loss and muscle building nutrition is that you are just taking them in much higher quantities.

For example, if someone wants to gain weight-eat and add extra 1000 or 2000 calories right now then wait to see what happens.

Typically I'll take them up and look at their baseline of how they eat and see how they are doing and the amount of calories they are taking in.

The next step? Add 500 calories in and weigh yourself daily for two weeks then assess.

The step after that? raise it another 500 calories and go from there.

It's like fat loss, you can't do it too quickly. It's a timed process. It's a results based process. Don't try it too fast.

Other articles by Jimmy Smith CSCS


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