Top 10 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Gym, By: Lee HaywardSpring is coming and you need to get in shape... find out Lee's top 10 tips!1. Take it slow and steady. Many people, in a combination of enthusiasm and impatience, wind up doing too much, too soon, ...
How To Pack On Muscular Bodyweight FAST!!!, By: Lee Hayward I go to a gym regularly, I train hard, eat right, but I am not getting any bigger. Why? I get asked this question a lot, by both men and women who are desperately trying to put some solid muscle ...
Push Up Your Bench Press, By: Lee Hayward One of the most neglected types of training for the average gym goer is explosive strength. Almost everyone is taught to lift weights with a "slow and controlled movement". However, in all sports athlete...
Bodybuilding for Beginners, By: Lee Hayward I'm a complete beginner to weight training. I'd like to make gains as fast as possible, but when I ask people how I should go about it all I keep getting different answers. Please help me, I need advice on all a...
Back Training - The Basics, By: Lee HaywardBack Muscle AnatomyThere are three primary muscles groups in the back - the trapezius muscles in the upper back, the latissimus dorsi muscles in the mid-back, and the erector spinae muscles in the lower back. The...
How Much Can You Bench Press?, By: Lee Hayward How much can you bench press? If you have been working out for any length of time you have certainly heard this question. The bench press is the ego exercise. You can add poundage to your max squat, dead lift...
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