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I’m not a Bodybuilder- and neither are you...

Out of an average thousand people who consider themselves bodybuilders, only a few dozen out of that thousand actually compete. If you don’t compete, you aren’t a bodybuilder. Now, I hear what you’re saying “But I eat like a bodybuilder, train like one, etc…”

(This is actually something I wrote in my original Blog, which made the rounds on the internet, even being reposted by one of the top strength coaches and authors in the world – Alwyn Cosgrove – even better was that he agreed with me! You can check that out at his name .com if you don’t believe me!]

Out of an average thousand people who consider themselves bodybuilders, only a few dozen out of that thousand actually compete. If you don’t compete, you aren’t a bodybuilder. Now, I hear what you’re saying “But I eat like a bodybuilder, train like one, etc…”

Ok….yes…but that doesn’t make you a bodybuilder. See…just training like a particular type of athlete doesn’t make you one. I shoot hoops a few times a week, but I’m hardly a basket ball player, even though that resembles the type of training they do. Get it…? The thing here is competing….if you don’t compete in bodybuilding event, then you can’t say you are a bodybuilder. If you dropped your reps down to the 3-5 rep range today, would you magically be a powerlifter now?

No. Not even if you “train westside” style.
No…you’re a guy who goes to the gym to look better, but you’re not a bodybuilder. Even if you diet, tan, shave yourself, workout, etc…it doesn’t make you a bodybuilder. If I go practice basketball or running, or whatever, every day…I’m still not a basket ball player. I’m just a guy who shoots hoops or who runs, or whatever.

In fact, just going to the gym doesn’t even make you someone who “trains”…”training” means you’re actually training for something, while just going to the gym is working out. Most people who use steroids workout, but just aren’t bodybuilders.

Nothing’s wrong with that, but honestly, just because you can name the tenth place guy at the Mr.O, doesn’t make you a bodybuilder. And guess what? Just because you did one contest a few years ago, you’re not a bodybuilder now. I used to wrestle in high school. I’m no longer a wrestler.

Get it? Good.

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