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What do you think about the new cholesterol guidelines?

What do you think about the new cholesterol guidelines?

A doctor I work with in Atlanta told me about this months ago ... said that basically despite the fact that cholesterol-lowering medication is the most sold pharmaceutical in the U.S., cholesterol levels of people are rising. Therefore, they decided that in order to take care of things, they would have to double the number of people on the cholesterol-lowering medication. According to him, the new levels set were not set because of any scientific evidence or actual health conditions - they were set to be the levels that would require nearly double the amount of people to be on the medication.

Of course, a much better marker for cardiovascular risk is homeocystine levels. How often do you hear of a test for that? Not often. Why? Because of yet the pharma industsry doesn't have a drug to manipulate homeocystine levels, so it wouldn't be profitable - even though nearly half the people who suffer heart attacks have normal cholesterol and plenty of people who have higher cholesterol do not suffer from heart attacks.

The fact is when you are a trillion dollar industry, sometimes Joe Public gets the short end of your stick instead of what is in their best interest.

By the way, that same doctor have phenomenal success using CoQ10 with patients and actually had some who were on lists for heart transplants come off of those lists their improvements were so pronounced with the simple addition of high doses of CoQ10.


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