Preventing Injury IS Improving Performance, By: Brad Walker Over the past couple of years I've subscribed to many health & fitness newsletters. As I'm sure you have also. Some are good, and some are not so good. Others, you actually look forward to re...
Heat Injuries, By: Brad WalkerTips for Training and Playing in the Heat With the northern hemisphere right in the middle of summer, heat injuries are on the increase. Although heat injuries are one of the most common forms of sports injuries to effect ath...
Rehabilitation for a Healthy Back, By: Brad WalkerThis month's issue of the Stretching & Sports Injury Newsletter comes from a well-respected web site called, Spine-Health.com. Spine-Health has been developed by a multi-specialty group of medical prof...
Shin Splints, By: Brad WalkerShin Splints are one of the most common injuries known to athletes.Shin splints are a term commonly used to describe most lower leg pain. However, shin splints are only one of several conditions that affect the lower leg. The ...
Cool Down, By: Brad WalkerRecover Faster & Avoid Injury!A few months ago, you may remember an issue of The Stretching & Sports Injury Newsletter titled; Warm Up Activities & Stretching Exercises.. That article covered the warm up in quite some...
OverTraining, By: Brad WalkerNot giving your body the rest it needs may lead to a sports injury disaster!This month we're going to have a look at the difference between being just a little tired or on a down-cycle, and being legitimately run down or over ...
Stretching ...Why Should I?, By: Brad WalkerThis short article looks at some of the tips, tricks and helpful hints you can use to help prevent sports injury. It's been put together to answer some of the more common questions we get regarding stretching an...
Prehabilitation to Avoid Rehabilitation!, By: Brad WalkerA couple of months back I was scanning through some newsletters and a particular article caught my attention. At first I thought it may have been a spelling mistake, but when I took the time to re-r...
Tennis Elbow, By: Brad WalkerA Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Tennis Elbow!Tennis Elbow is currently one of the most diagnosed conditions in the western world. It is extremely common, and can be excruciatingly painful.There are a number of condi...
Warm Up Activities and Stretching Exercises, By: Brad WalkerWarm up properly, and reduce the risk of sports injury!The warm up activities are a crucial part of any exercise regime or sports training. The importance of a structured warm up routine should n...
Running Injuries, Sports Injuries and Treatment for Pulled Muscles, By: Brad WalkerA guide to cutting your recovery time by days, if not weeks!Part 1I get a lot of questions from people asking about specific treatments for sports injuries, like running in...
Rotator Cuff Injury and Shoulder Tendonitis, By: Brad WalkerA Guide for the Treatment and Prevention of Shoulder Injuries! Have you ever been working out at the gym, pushing a heavy weight and heard a popping sound in your shoulder. Or what about skiing d...
Aerobic Water Exercise and Aquatic Therapy, By: Brad WalkerWater Aerobics, or Aquatic Exercises, are a superb form of exercise for injury rehabilitation and maintaining fitness!Part 1:It's been called everything from aerobic water exercise to aquatic ther...
Hamstring Injury Treatment and Hamstring Stretching Exercises!, By: Brad WalkerWhy are hamstring injuries so common, and what can you do to prevent them?Effective hamstring injury treatment & hamstring stretching exercises are vital to the overall hea...
Core Stability and Injury Prevention...including sample exercises, By: Brad Walker Core stability is essential for proper form and mechanics while performing sports skills. It is also important for injury prevention during those sport activities as well. ...
Compartment Syndrome - Types, Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention, By: Brad WalkerCompartment syndrome is a condition that develops when the pressure inside the fascia surrounding the muscles and bone increases without relief and can ca...
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome - Causes and Remedies including Specific Stretching Exercises, By: Brad Walker Patellofemoral pain syndrome can be defined as a Retro-patellar (behind the knee cap) or Peripatellar (around the knee cap) pain, resulting from ph...
Stretching in the Gym, By: Brad Walker During a weight-training session, what do you do in between your sets? If you're like most people, you relax, talk to your friends, or maybe even check out a member of the opposite sex. While these activities might h...
Stretching Principles and Guidelines, By: Brad Walker Flexibility is one of the key components of a balanced fitness program. Without flexibility training (stretching), you are missing an important part of overall health. Flexibility prevents injury, incr...
Benefits of Flexibility Training, By: Brad Walker Flexibility is a joint's ability to move through a full range of motion. Flexibility training (stretching) helps balance muscle groups that might be overused during exercise or physical activity or as a re...
The Truth About Stretching, By: Brad Walker A three year old study about stretching is being cited in many articles today, and the conclusions reached by some writers may be harmful to your muscle, ligaments and joints.Is stretching before exercise harmfu...
Strength Training for Injury Prevention, By: Brad Walker Strength training has been a part of sports conditioning for many years. It is touted for its effects on speed, strength, agility and muscle mass. Often overlooked though are its benefits for injury...
Fibromyalgia and Chronic - Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), By: Brad Walker Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are thought by many to be separate manifestations of the same disorder, the main difference being the major symptom associat...
Stress Fractures - Prevention and TreatmentStrategies for Stress Fractures, By: Brad Walker Stress fractures are small cracks in the bone caused by repetitive stresses or overuse, such as the repetitive impact on the bones of the lower leg and foot during...
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) - Prevention and Treatment for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, By: Brad Walker Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a relatively common complaint in individuals that perform constant and repetitive motions of the hand and wrist. Any athlet...
First Aid for Sports Injuries - The Critical First 3 Minutes, By: Brad Walker Much has been written over the years about sports injury management and ongoing treatment. There's a lot of information about what to do in the first 48 to 72 hours after an inj...
Osteitis Pubis - Inflammation of the cartilagedisc in the pubic bone, By: Brad WalkerOsteitis Pubis is the inflammation of the pubic symphysis; the point where the left and right pubic bones meet at the front of the pelvic girdle. Individuals who are most...
Chondromalacia - Knee Pain and Runner's Knee, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment for Knee Pain, Chondromalacia and Runner's Knee. Chondromalacia, or runner's knee, is a condition where the articular cartilage, located underneath the kneecap (patella)...
Stretching at your Desk or Computer, By: Brad WalkerRelieve tension and pain with these simple stretching exercises. If you're sitting for long periods of time behind a desk, computer or steering wheel the muscles in your shoulders, neck and upper back ca...
Stretching for Injury Rehabilitation, By: Brad WalkerSpeed up Your Recovery with the right type of Stretching. Choosing the right type of stretching during your rehabilitation program will have a tremendous effect on the speed of your recovery, while choo...
Shoulder Pain and Frozen Shoulder, By: Brad WalkerPrevention & Treatment Strategies for Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis).Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is a condition that affects the shoulder joint capsule and results in sti...
Bruises and Muscle Contusions, By: Brad WalkerCan Stretching Speed-Up the Recovery Process? Bruises, or muscle contusions, are one of those injuries that just about everyone has had at one point or another. In fact, bruises are the second most common spor...
Good Stretch? Bad Stretch?, By: Brad WalkerHow to decide for yourself.Over the last few months our email server has been flooded with concerns about which stretches are good and which stretches are bad. In all cases someone has told the inquirer that they...
Hip Pain - Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome, By: Brad Walker How to fix inflammation or strain of the Iliopsoas muscle Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome are conditions that affect the iliopsoas muscle located in the anterior region (o...
Piriformis Syndrome and Effective Piriformis Stretches, By: Brad WalkerDetailed Treatment Strategies for the Prevention and Treatment of Piriformis Syndrome Piriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle becomes tight or spasms, and irr...
Active Rehabilitation, By: Brad WalkerThe final hurdle to a complete recoveryLast month, we reviewed an often over-looked component to successful soft tissue injury rehabilitation; "Scar Tissue Removal" and discussed its' effectiveness in speedi...
Pulled Muscles, Scar Tissue and Re-Injury, By: Brad WalkerHow does scar tissue affect recovery and re-injury of pulled muscles and sports injury?Have you ever had an injury that just won't heal? And then when you think it has healed, you go and re-injure ...
Throwers Elbow, Elbow Tendonitis and Elbow Pain, By: Brad WalkerA Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Throwers Elbow!Although not as common as tennis elbow, throwers elbow is just as debilitating and painful. The condition is most prevalent in baseba...
Stretching and the Warm up, By: Brad WalkerAre You Confused? Lately, I've been receiving a lot of questions referring to the latest studies and research findings, and one question that I receive most queries about concerns the role that stretching plays a...
Traditional Treatments for Back Pain..., By: Brad WalkerWhich Ones Work and Which Ones Don't? When Dorothy followed the yellow brick road, she was told to do so by those who wanted her to get where she wanted go. As humans we often blindly follow recommen...
Meniscus Tear and Torn Knee Cartilage, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment for Knee Pain, Torn Knee Cartilage and Meniscus Tear Meniscus tear is another common injury that affects the knee joint. The meniscus are 'C' shaped discs, made of tough cartil...
ACL Injuries and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation, By: Brad WalkerACL Injury - Causes, Prevention and Treatment ACL injury, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury, is another common problem that affects the knee joint. The ACL is damaged in about 7...
Knee Pain and Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and TreatmentAfter discussing patellar tendonitis last month, I thought I would continue with knee injuries and discuss Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain. MCL injury is ano...
Patellar Tendonitis - Jumper's Knee, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and TreatmentAnatomy of the KneeBefore we discuss what patellar tendonitis is, it is important to have a general understanding of the structures that make up the knee joint.The picture...
Bursitis, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for BursitisWhat is a bursa?Bursae are tiny fluid filled sacs located in areas of the body where bones, ligaments and tendons connect. There are more than 150 bursae in the human body and they a...
Care of the Injured Player, By: Brad WalkerBefore the Competition Begins Below is a great article from a good friend of mine, Doug King (RCpN DipNg PGCertHealSC(SptMed)). Doug and I have known each other since 2001 and we often correspond about many diffe...
Over Weight?, By: Brad WalkerLose weight and reduce your chance of sports injury!A massive amount of material has been written about the benefits of maintaining your body weight within your optimum healthy weight range. Some of the most talked about benef...
Coming Back from a Sports Injury, By: Brad WalkerA couple of month's back I was scanning through some newsletters and a particular article caught my attention. It was called "Coming Back from an Injury" by Jeremy Markum.The article that followed...
Side Stitches, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and Treatment A side stitch, also known as exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), is one of the most annoying and painful conditions suffered by participants of sport and exercise. Although not c...
Muscle Cramp and Spasm, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and Treatment Muscle cramp and spasm are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.Muscle cramps and spasms ca...
Achilles Tendonitis and Achilles Tendon Injury, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for Achilles Injury Part 1Every week I get asked for information on Achilles tendon injury. So instead of constantly referring people to other sites, I thou...
Pronation, Supination,...and choosing the right footwear, By: Brad WalkerWelcome to this month's issue of The Stretching & Sports Injury Newsletter. This month we are going to look at some common foot problems that not only affect athletes, but also a...
Runner's Lament: Injuries Are Inevitable, By: Brad WalkerThis month I wanted to introduce you to a great source of information and articles specifically for runners and those involved in running related sports.James Raia has traveled the globe to write ab...
PNF Stretching, By: Brad WalkerProprioceptive Neuromuscular FacilitationProprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted. P...
Diary of a Common Sports Injury, By: Brad WalkerThe exact step-by-step process I personally used to completely heal a common sports injury. I thought I'd start the New Year with something a little different and write about my own personal experience with ...
Fitness-Related Benefits of Massage, By: Brad Walker
Massage is one of my all-time favorite injury rehabilitation techniques. I'd even go as far as saying; it's the most effective form of injury rehabilitation therapy for speeding the healing process...
STRETCHING – Scientifically, By: Brad WalkerWithout a doubt, the most common questions I'm asked is; "What's your view on the latest scientific studies and research findings in regards to stretching?"The short answer is; "They all make for ...
Minimizing Sore Muscles, By: Brad Walker8 tips to reduce the incidence of pain and sore muscles! This month, I'd like to introduce you to a web site that I've been a fan of for more than a year now. Women Fitness is a web site dedicated to helping you ach...
The FITT Principle...in relation to injury prevention, By: Brad WalkerWhat is the FITT Principle?The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The acronym FITT outlines the key components of an effective exercise prog...
No Pain No Gain???, By: Brad WalkerThe following article comes from a good friend of mine, Danny O'Dell. Danny has a Masters degree in Human Services and is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a CSCS,*D.Danny has power-...
Groin Pain and Groin Pull Injury, By: Brad WalkerA Guide for the Treatment and Prevention of Groin Injuries! Groin pain; Groin strain; Groin pull injury; or Adductor strain. Call it what you want, the fact is, it's a very common muscle strain injury that ...
Golfers Elbow, Elbow Tendonitis and Elbow Pain, By: Brad WalkerA Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Golfers Elbow! There are a number of conditions that affect the elbow area. The three most common conditions are "lateral epicondylitis" (t...
Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises, By: Brad WalkerPlyometric Exercises are great for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation!What are Plyometric Exercises?In the simplest of terms, plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping movement. For example, sk...
Cross Training for Injury Prevention, By: Brad WalkerIn keeping with a previous issue on circuit training, I wanted to talk about another great form of athletic preparation and injury prevention called cross training.Cross training, although it has been u...
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines, By: Brad WalkerAdd circuit training to your weight training routines for a well-rounded exercise program.Circuit training routines are one of my favourite training sessions, whether for myself personally, or...
Ankle Injuries, Ankle Pain and Sprained Ankle Treatment, By: Brad WalkerA guide for the prevention and treatment of ankle injuriesPart 1Ankle Injuries are one of the most common injuries faced by anyone who participates in sport or exercise. As a matter o...
Knee Pain, Knee Injuries and Iliotibial Band Syndrome, By: Brad WalkerA Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Knee Injuries and Iliotibial Band Syndrome!Knee pain and knee injuries, as a result of Iliotibial Band Syndrome, can be an extremely painful a...
Osteoarthritis, By: Brad WalkerEight Tips to Beat Your OsteoarthritisThis month we're going to have a look at an article that was written by The Arthritis Resource Center. Osteoarthritis, and other joint pain problems are a common concern not only for ath...
Minimizing Sore Muscles8 tips to reduce the incidence of pain and sore muscles!This month, I'd like to introduce you to a web site that I've been a fan of for more than a year now. Woman Fitness is a web site dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy wei...
The FITT Principle...in relation to injury preventionWhat is the FITT Principle?The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The acronym FITT outlines the key components of an effective exercise program, and the init...
Muscle Cramp and SpasmCauses, Prevention and TreatmentMuscle cramp and spasm are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.Muscle cramps and spasms can involve part or ...
Muscle Cramp and SpasmCauses, Prevention and TreatmentMuscle cramp and spasm are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.Muscle cramps and spasms can involve part or ...
Golfers Elbow, Elbow Tendonitis and Elbow Pain, By: Brad WalkerA Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Golfers Elbow!There are a number of conditions that affect the elbow area. The three most common conditions are "lateral epicondylitis" (te...
Groin Pain and Groin Pull Injury, By: Brad WalkerA Guide for the Treatment and Prevention of Groin Injuries!Groin pain; Groin strain; Groin pull injury; or Adductor strain. Call it what you want, the fact is, it's a very common muscle strain injury that c...
No Pain No Gain???, By: Brad WalkerThe following article comes from a good friend of mine, Danny O'Dell. Danny has a Masters degree in Human Services and is certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a CSCS,*D.Danny has power-...
Plyometrics and Plyometric Exercises, By: Brad WalkerPlyometric Exercises are greatfor Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation!What are Plyometric Exercises?In the simplest of terms, plyometrics are exercises that involve a jumping movement. For example, ski...
Plantar Fasciitis / Fascitis, By: Brad WalkerFoot Pain and Plantar Fasciitis TreatmentOne of the most common newsletter suggestions I receive is for information on plantar fasciitis. (Fascitis is sometimes spelt with only one i, but for the purpose of thi...
The Benefits of Cross Training, By: Brad WalkerHow cross training workouts can improve leanness, increase strength, increase your average workout intensity and make you a better athlete!In keeping with the theme of last months issue on circuit training, I...
Ankle Injuries, Ankle Painand Sprained Ankle Treatment: Part 3, By: Brad WalkerA guide for the prevention and treatment of ankle injuriesPart 3In part 1, we took a look at exactly what a sprained ankle is. We had a look at the structures that make up the ...
Circuit Training and Circuit Training Routines, By: Brad WalkerAdd circuit training to your weight training routinesfor a well-rounded exercise program.Circuit training routines are one of my favourite training sessions, whether for myself personally, or ...
Achilles Tendonitis and Achilles Tendon Injury, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for Achilles InjuryPart 3In part 1, we took a look at exactly what an Achilles injury is. We had a look at the muscles and tendons that make up the Achilles...
ACL Injuries and Anterior CruciateLigament Rehabilitation, By: Brad WalkerACL Injury - Causes, Prevention and TreatmentACL injury, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury, is another common problem that affects the knee joint. The ACL is damaged in about 70%...
Good Stretch? Bad Stretch?, By: Brad WalkerHow to decide for yourself.Over the last few months my inbox has been flooded with concerns about which stretches are good and which stretches are bad. In all cases someone has told the inquirer that they shouldn...
Achilles Tendonitis and Achilles Tendon Injury, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for Achilles InjuryPart 2In part 1, we took a look at exactly what an Achilles injury is. We had a look at the muscles and tendons that make up the Achilles...
PNF Stretching, By: Brad WalkerProprioceptive Neuromuscular FacilitationProprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) is a more advanced form of flexibility training that involves both the stretching and contraction of the muscle group being targeted. P...
Knee Pain and Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and TreatmentAfter discussing patellar tendonitis last month, I thought I would continue with knee injuries and discuss Medial Collateral Ligament Sprain. MCL injury is ano...
Bursitis, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for BursitisWhat is a bursa?Bursae are tiny fluid filled sacs located in areas of the body where bones, ligaments and tendons connect. There are more than 150 bursae in the human body and they a...
Patellar Tendonitis - Jumper's Knee, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and TreatmentAnatomy of the KneeBefore we discuss what patellar tendonitis is, it is important to have a general understanding of the structures that make up the knee joint.The picture...
Muscle Cramp and SpasmCauses, Prevention and TreatmentMuscle cramp and spasm are an annoying condition that involves a sudden, involuntary contraction and tightening of a muscle that will not immediately relax.Muscle cramps and spasms can involve part or ...
The Cool Down - Recover Faster & Avoid Injury!, By: Brad WalkerMany people dismiss the cool down as a waste of time, or simply unimportant. In reality the cool down is just as important as the warm up, and if you want to stay injury free, it's vital. ...
Coming Back from a Sports Injury, By: Brad WalkerA couple of month's back I was scanning through some newsletters and a particular article caught my attention. It was called "Coming Back from an Injury" by Jeremy Markum.The article that followed...
Fitness-Related Benefits of Massage, By: Brad WalkerMassage is one of my all-time favorite injury rehabilitation techniques. I'd even go as far as saying; it's the most effective form of injury rehabilitation therapy for speeding the healing process and p...
Meniscus Tear and Torn Knee Cartilage, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment for Knee Pain,Torn Knee Cartilage and Meniscus TearMeniscus tear is another common injury that affects the knee joint. The meniscus are 'C' shaped discs, made of tough cartilag...
Traditional Treatments for Back Pain..., By: Brad WalkerWhen Dorothy followed the yellow brick road, she was told to do so by those who wanted her to get where she wanted go. As humans we often blindly follow recommendations by individuals who have good i...
Throwers Elbow, Elbow Tendonitis and Elbow Pain, By: Brad Walker A Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Throwers Elbow!Although not as common as tennis elbow, throwers elbow is just as debilitating and painful. The condition is most prevalent in baseb...
STRETCHING – Scientifically, By: Brad WalkerWithout a doubt, the most common questions I'm asked is; "What's your view on the latest scientific studies and research findings in regards to stretching?"The short answer is; "They all make for ...
The FITT Principle...in relation to injury preventionWhat is the FITT Principle?The FITT Principle (or formula) is a great way of monitoring your exercise program. The acronym FITT outlines the key components of an effective exercise program, and the init...
Minimizing Sore Muscles8 tips to reduce the incidence of pain and sore muscles!This month, I'd like to introduce you to a web site that I've been a fan of for more than a year now. Woman Fitness is a web site dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy wei...
Over Weight?, By: Brad WalkerLose weight and reduce your chance of sports injury!A massive amount of material has been written about the benefits of maintaining your body weight within your optimum healthy weight range. Some of the most talked about benef...
Pulled Muscles, Scar Tissue and Re-Injury, By: Brad WalkerHow does scar tissue affect recovery andre-injury of pulled muscles and sports injury?Have you ever had an injury that just won't heal? And then when you think it has healed, you go and re-injure i...
Piriformis Syndrome and Effective Piriformis Stretches, By: Brad WalkerDetailed Treatment Strategies for the Preventionand Treatment of Piriformis SyndromePiriformis syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle becomes tight or spasms, and irrit...
Runner's Lament: Injuries Are Inevitable, By: Brad WalkerThis month I wanted to introduce you to a great source of information and articles specifically for runners and those involved in running related sports.James Raia has travelled the globe to write a...
Side Stitches, By: Brad WalkerCauses, Prevention and TreatmentA side stitch, also known as exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP), is one of the most annoying and painful conditions suffered by participants of sport and exercise. Although not co...
Stretching and the Warm up – Are You Confused?Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot of questions referring to the latest studies and research findings, and one question that I receive most queries about concerns the role that stretching plays as part of the w...
Achilles Tendonitis and Achilles Tendon Injury, By: Brad WalkerPrevention and Treatment Strategies for Achilles InjuryPart 1Every week I get asked for information on Achilles tendon injury. So instead of constantly referring people to other sites, I thoug...
Hip Pain - Iliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome, By: Brad WalkerHow to fix inflammation or strain of the Iliopsoas muscleIliopsoas Tendonitis and Iliopsoas Syndrome are conditions that affect the iliopsoas muscle located in the anterior region (or ...
Diary of a Common Sports Injury, By: Brad WalkerI thought I'd start the New Year with something a little different and write about my own personal experience with a sports injury I recently suffered, and the process I used to get myself back to 110%. I sa...
Care of the Injured Player, By: Brad WalkerBefore the Competition BeginsBelow is a great article from a good friend of mine, Doug King (RCpN DipNg PGCertHealSC(SptMed)). Doug and I have known each other since 2001 and we often correspond about many differ...
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