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What Is The Most Anabolic Thing You Can Do?

What Is The Most Anabolic Thing You Can Do?

Dear Friend,

I belong to a secret iron brotherhood.

I've been a member since about 1982.

No matter what gym I go to in the world, I can tell who is a member of this secret brotherhood IMMEDIATELY. There are very, very few of us.

We know things about bodybuilding that 99.9% of people in the gym never learn. But our secrets can make the difference between gaining all the muscle your genetics will allow... or... just plodding along year after year never making any gains... until you finally quit in frustration.

We're always accepting new members. And you'd think bodybuilders would be clamoring to join... but... hardly anybody ever joins us. I guess they just don't have the guts.

But I'd like to invite you to become a member of our secret brotherhood...

Joining us is simple. You simply have to adhere to one of our most important rituals. (This is where most people drop out.)

But this ritual can help you start gaining muscle like crazy and totally transform your physique, strength and health... not to mention your confidence. Yup, you will definitely walk a little taller with a beam of confidence shining from your eyes. People will sense that you are different.

And on top of that, this secret ritual will stimulate testosterone and growth hormone release like nothing else. It's the most anabolic non-supplement/non-drug thing you can do.

So are you ready to join our secret iron brotherhood yet?

You are? Good!

You can become an official member today. Follow these simple instructions to a "T" (which in this case stands for "testosterone"):

1.       Drag yourself outta the house and go to the gym.

2.       Once in the gym, do a quick warm-up to get some blood flowing.

3.       Go immediately to the rack over in the corner that nobody ever uses and...

Start Squatting!

Somebody wrote me the other day and asked, "What is the most anabolic thing I can do?"

He was actually referring to what supplements or prohormones he could take to boost his gains.

I replied that the most anabolic thing he could do was squats.

I wasn't trying to discourage the use of supplements and I wasn't trying to be a smart ass either. For building overall muscle mass, squats are king!

But you hardly ever see anybody in the gym squatting. Why is that? Because they are hard... damn hard!

I've heard about every excuse in the book as to why bodybuilders aren't squatting. If people were being honest, 95% of their excuses can be summed up this way:

"I know I can gain a lot of muscle by squatting but squats are really hard. And to be totally honest I don't want to do them. Can't I just do _______ (insert leg press, leg extensions, etc. here) instead?"

Look. I don't really want to do them either. But there just ain't nothin' else as good for stimulating growth.

If I could get the same results with some other easier exercise, I'd do it! But after more than 23 years in the iron game, I haven't found anything better.

Unless you have a legitimate injury that prevents you from squatting, you should regularly be worshipping at the sacred altar of the squat rack.

So you say you've got bad knees? OK, do quarter squats. There is nothing better for rehabilitating the knees than partial squats.

You think leg extensions will rehabilitate your knees? Think again. The shear forces on the knee joint from leg extensions are probably doing more damage than good. Partial squats are your solution.

You say you've got a bad back? I feel ya. I've got a ruptured disk in my lower back, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) in my mid back, and I tore my quadratus lamborum (a muscle in the lower back) that never healed correctly. It hurts just to get out of bed in the morning! But I STILL go to the squat rack and do what I gotta do one to two times a week.

Want to know why? I have to face reality. I'm in constant pain if I don't squat... and I'm in constant pain if I DO squat. The only difference is... if I DON'T squat I'm in constant pain... and I'm also smaller and weaker. My back stays in the same condition no matter what. So why NOT squat?

Granted, I can't use the weights I used to... but I still squat. I just go a little lighter and concentrate on high reps perfectly executed.

My friend Dennis Weis, the Yukon Hercules, used to do sets of 20 reps in the squat with 400 pounds. I never heard him whining about it being too hard.

In fact, if we could keep him out of McDonalds he could probably STILL do sets of 20 with 400 pounds... and he's a geezer nowadays!

Here's another question I hear all the time... "Can't I get the same results with leg presses?" (Every time some whiner says this I just want to whack them upside the noggin with a 45 lb. plate.)

NO! You CAN'T get the same results. Why? I don't know. It just doesn't work the same.

Or how about this one...

"I don't want my thighs to get too big."

WHAT??? I WISH it were that easy! You think a few half-assed sets of squats now and then are gonna build huge thighs?. Naw... it doesn't work that way. To build big thighs you're gonna have to slave at it, brother!

"I don't need to squat. Leg extensions are better for building the thigh muscles because it isolates them."

Now I'm getting angry... and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Dude, let me get this out in the open once and for all... Leg extensions SUCK! There is no natural movement that replicates the leg extension. I've got no use for them. Haven't done them for more than 10 years. Show me ANYBODY who built big, powerful thighs with leg extensions. There ain't nobody.

I could rattle on for days supporting my argument for the need to squat... but I won't. For the precious few who are already members of my secret iron brotherhood, I'm just preaching to the choir. They KNOW they need to squat so they suck it up and do it.

For those who are not members I invite you to become a member today. You won't regret it.

After 4 weeks we will all KNOW you're a member just by looking at you.


Other articles by Dan Gallapoo


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