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Excerpts From The Discussion Board

Excerpts From The Discussion Board


Q I have been exercising for years (running, and mostly other cardio). I weigh a small 143 and am looking to gain at least 20 pounds in the next three months. I bought the book "How a Genetically Average Joe Can Gain Twenty Five Pounds of Muscle in Eight Weeks" (For more info. go to Is this a good program to go with? Any other suggestions?

A:  I don't really know the program, but my advice would be to eat BIG! Take in AT LEAST 1 gram or protein per pound of bodyweight. Stay away from cardio as much as possible. Concentrate on the main lifts: bench presses, pull-ups (much better than pulldowns), and especially squats and deadlifts. Don't forget to drink water! At least 3/4 a gallon for a person your size. I have some great training and nutrition programs for you to try if you want. Any more questions please feel free to ask. If you want more personal attention post an e-mail address where I can reach you. I'd be glad to write out a program based on your past training and your specific goals.

QI'm an average size guy. I would like big arms. Can I work bi's and tri's twice a week with no other work out and get big guns?

A:  You could, but they would probably be more developed if you just did a normal full body routine because alot of the upper body lifts will make your arms bigger indirectly over time anyway (EX. Pullups, deadlifts) and also because it will, in the long run, create a more positive nitrogen balance due to all muscles being pretty much equally developed and in harmony with one another. I wouldn't recommend that you do one body part (especially arms), and neglect all the rest .... that just doesn't make any sense to me. Your biceps are almost the slowest growing muscle in your body (on average), so why then would you work just your arms, and totally neglect all the other larger muscle groups which generally develope at a much faster and more
efficient rate while, at the same time, ALSO develpoing the arms ? Think about it .....

A Just a tip that most guys dont really know...
If you want big arms, hit the triceps HARD! the tricep is 2/3 bigger than you bicep, hence if you want big arms, hit that tricep! the bicep is not only a slow growing muscle (as stated above), but it is also a very small muscle, so dont waste too much time on it. if you want big arms, go after you forearm as well (more than the bicep if you ask me). the forearm is what everyone (including yourself) sees on a regular basis, hence if you have big forearms, it gives the illusion that the rest of you is big. dont forget the sholders either, building them makes u look bigger and more imposing.



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