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Bigger Shoulders

Bigger Shoulders

The appearance of larger shoulders always makes a person look larger and more muscular while making thier waist appear smaller.  If you are going to hit shoulders hard to make them become the cannonballs you want them to be then take the time to destroy your back as well.  The muscles in the back will help make the shoulders appear larger than life.  So if you want those shoulders to be "barn door wide" make sure you work that back as well with chins, variations of wide and close grip rows, and pullovers to hit the tie ins of the back and your intercostals.  You'll see the difference.

Training To Failure Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be...

Unless you are fairly skinny, bench less than, say, 225 x 6, or are under 26, forget training to so-called "failure."  Over the course of a few months this, along with forced reps, negatives and the like will just about gaurantee a halt to your progress.  Decide first if your goal is size or strength.  For size, try sets of 12-15, taking 36-60 seconds to complete sets;  for strength try sets of 3-5 taking 10-15 seconds per set.  Two exercises or so per muscle group should do it, with 3 sets per exercise, once weekly.  Most of these guys screaming about "training 'til you puke" weigh 150 lbs, are 16-18,  and can't bench their bodyweight for 12, so be careful whose advice you take!

-An Old Man

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