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Nolvadex Post Cycle

While it has a place during anabolic steroid use Nolvadex post cycle use is not only the most common point of use but the most effective as well. A good Nolvadex post cycle plan can often be the difference in maintaining the gains made while on cycle and losing them and not to mention it provides a benefit to our overall health often negated in discussion. As you should understand testosterone is not only a powerful hormone but a very important one at that; in-fact, of all the hormones the body produces testosterone is one of the most important as it affects so many aspects of our physical, mental and sexual functions. When we supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed and for this reason it is generally advised that most anabolic steroid cycles include some form of exogenous testosterone therapy. Once use is discontinued this is the point where we must stimulate our natural testosterone to come back online and a good Nolvadex post cycle therapy plan can provide just that and in a very efficient manner.

Nolvadex Post Cycle Doses:

For a good Nolvadex post cycle plan very few will ever need more than 40mg per day and most will find that ending with a lower dose of 20mg per day to be just about perfect. For the healthy adult male a good Nolvadex post cycle plan will run for approximately 4-6 weeks in total duration; 4 weeks should be the standard with 1-2 additional weeks being added if necessary. In most cases the additional weeks will only be needed if the anabolic steroid cycle was strong, was extended and of a high suppressive nature. A solid Nolvadex post cycle plan for most any man to follow would look something like this:

    Basic Plan:
    • Week 1: 40mg every day
    • Week 2: 40mg every day
    • Week 3: 20mg every day
    • Week 4: 20mg every day
    Extended Plan:
    • Week 1: 40mg every day
    • Week 2: 40mg every day
    • Week 3: 40mg every day
    • Week 4: 20mg every day
    • Week 5: 20mg every day
    • Week 6: 20mg every day

hCG & Nolvadex Post Cycle Plans:

Many performance enhancers often experience a higher rate of recovery with the addition of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) alongside their Nolvadex post cycle plan. Such an addition is not always necessary but it can be quite beneficial and most any anabolic steroid cycle that extends 16 weeks or more, that is comprised of very suppressive steroids or a combination of both will warrant solid hCG therapy. For those who follow an hCG and Nolvadex post cycle plan the hCG will be used first; a good plan will consist of ten days of hCG use prior to Nolvadex therapy and will generally fall in the range of 1,000iu per day every day for ten days; Nolvadex therapy beginning the day after the last hCG administration.

Implementing Nolvadex Post Cycle Therapy:

We do not simply and arbitrarily end our cycle of anabolic steroids and start our post cycle recovery; you must have an understanding of the steroids you were using in order to determine timing and this is very important. If you begin your Nolvadex post cycle plan too soon and you still have a lot of suppressive anabolic steroids in your system the whole recovery process will be a waste.

If your cycle ends with short ester anabolic steroids you may start your recovery process 2-3 days after your last injection; whether you are going to include hCG or not you will still start 2-3 days after the anabolic steroid cycle ends. If however your cycle ends with any long ester based steroids things will change; in this instance if you are going to include hCG into your Nolvadex post cycle plan you will begin hCG use ten days after your last steroidal injection; if your cycle ended with very long ester gear such as Deca-Durabolin it might be wise to wait a full two weeks. If your cycle ends with long ester steroids and you are not including hCG you will need to wait 2 weeks before Nolvadex post cycle therapy begins with 3 weeks being optimal if steroids such as Deca-Durabolin were being used at the end of the cycle.

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