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Nolvadex PCT

Tamoxifen Citrate, most common known as Nolvadex is one of the most popular SERM’s any performance enhancer will ever use and as such Nolvadex PCT use remains the most common purpose. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a very important part of the anabolic steroid plan as this is the period after use is discontinued that allows the body to normalize; an important factor in maintaining good health as well as protecting gains made while on cycle. A plan based on a Nolvadex PCT can readily and efficiently produce the desired end very thoroughly and make ones experience not only more enjoyable but more effective as well.

The Basic Nolvadex PCT Plan:

In most cases a good Nolvadex PCT plan will run for approximately 4 weeks; in some cases 5-6 weeks may be needed but 4 weeks is a good general rule of thumb. Most will find a dosing of 40mg per day to be an efficient starting point with a tapering down as the week’s progress and then discontinuing altogether. The basic Nolvadex PCT plan should be as follows:

     1: 40mg every day Week
    2: 40mg every day Week
    3: 20mg every day Week
    4: 20mg every day

In some cases, generally referring to those who have cycled for a far extended period of time with high doses an additional week of 40mg per day may be warranted as well as an added week of 20mg per day. In either case this will provide the adequate stimulation of testosterone production the individual needs as Tamoxifen Citrate actively by its nature stimulates and promotes the release of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) thereby stimulating natural testosterone production.

Super-Sized Nolvadex PCT Plan:

While this will not be necessary for many PCT plans for quite a few it can be highly advised. Cycles that extend into the 12 week duration and beyond are often benefited by the following plan, especially those that include very suppressive anabolic steroids. For this super-sized version we are simply adding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) into the equation thereby promoting a more efficient recovery. With this plan the same Nolvadex PCT plan listed above will be used, the only change will be the introduction of hCG ten days prior to Nolvadex therapy. A steady daily dose of hCG at 1,000iu per day is often a very effective dosing when applied every day for ten days before the Nolvadex PCT portion of the plan is implemented.

When to Start your Nolvadex PCT Plan:

The starting point of your Nolvadex PCT plan will be determined by the anabolic steroids being used at the conclusion of your anabolic steroid cycle. If the cycle ends with short ester based anabolic steroids the PCT plan can begin a few days after your last injection; conversely if it ends with long ester based steroids you will need to wait a 2-3 weeks before Nolvadex PCT therapy begins. If the cycle ends with a mixture of both short and long ester based steroids, due to the long esters being present we will still necessarily wait until the 2-3 week mark has passed before beginning therapy.

It needs to be noted, while the above remains true if we are using the super-sized Nolvadex PCT plan things change a little bit. In this case if short ester anabolic steroids are what was used at the end of the cycle the plan remains the same; we will start our PCT with hCG a few days after our last injection, complete our ten day hCG run and then begin Nolvadex therapy once it is complete. If however our cycle ended with long ester gear and we are following the super-sized Nolvadex PCT plan we can begin our hCG therapy about ten days after our last injection, complete the ten days of hCG use followed by our Nolvadex therapy.

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