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Male Pre Contest Diet

Its finally contest time. This may be your first competition or it may be your fiftieth time to step on stage. Whoever you are, youve come to the right place to maximize your potential. Whoever you are, there is one very important thing that you should remember:

***Note*** This program is designed assuming all things are perfect. Assuming the individual who will use this program is following all guidelines perfectly is in perfect health, has had a positive genetic response to training and diet and is not someone who suffers from some type of metabolic disorder or serious physical injury or ailment. If the individual is someone who has just begun training and does not already carry a decent amount of muscle mass (Decent being relative to the individual) they should not follow this program but choose from the appropriate program in the training and diet outlines here at If you are someone who is following the guided diet and training outlines, if you are still at the beginner stages then this pre-contest plan is not for you. If you are still a beginner it is not yet time to step on stage, not until youve mastered the basics, built a solid foundation, and become more accustomed to eating and training like a bodybuilder.

There are many ways to diet for a contest, many, many ways, but at we have compiled all the best information there is to help you reach your goal of a ripped contest ready physique. There is no one perfect diet for all, some respond better to a higher amount of carbs and some do much better on extremely low carb diets, but we have provided both methods for you to choose from. Neither diet listed below is deemed better than the other, it is 100% individually based. However, whoever you are, whichever diet you choose to follow, you may indeed need to make adjustments to fit your body type and your metabolism perfectly. Regardless of who you are or the type of diet you follow, you are encouraged to have a second set of eye gauging you the entire time. Almost no one can see themselves in a true light. Almost everyone sees themselves as leaner and more muscular than they really are or fatter than they really are. Going in on this alone is a huge mistake a lot of guys make.

Another big mistake many tend to make is equating being lean and in shape to being contest or bodybuilding in shape. If youre 8% body fat and carrying a fair amount of muscle, this is a physique you can be proud of. However, if you step on stage with those numbers you will be considered fat and wont stand a chance.

***The Two Diets***

Diet 1 is a higher carb diet overall, but it is based on a carb cycle, utilizing a High, Medium and Low carb day. With this method we are also able to keep fats in your diet in a way to maximize fat loss. Carb cycling diets can be a great way to lose body fat, but in many cases individuals will also eliminate fat intake completely which is often a huge mistake early on but a possible necessity late in the diet.

Diet 2 is a low carb diet throughout but it utilizes fat intake as its primary source of energy throughout. There are several advantages to using this diet when compared to the carb cycling diet and these are discussed in the table below, but it will be a very individually based sort of thing.

Advantages of Each Diet

Carb Cycling

Low Carb

The most obvious one, you get to eat more carbs in your diet

Your energy levels will remain constant throughout. You will have no up and down fluctuation of energy levels as you will on the carb cycling diet

You will remain fuller throughout the diet

You will appear harder during the course of your diet

You will have more variety throughout your diet

You will have a much easier time burning up glycogen stores when doing cardio

You will have less of a craving for more carbs, but this will not be a big difference from the low carb diet.

Your diet will remain more constant

Disadvantages of Each Diet

Carb Cycling

Low Carb

Your energy levels will be up and down throughout

You run a higher risk of dehydration if you do not keep your water intake high

You may feel more bloated on this diet until you get closer to the end

You will have less of a variety of foods to choose from

You will have to work harder to deplete glycogen stores

You will appear flatter then on the carb cycling diet but flat during the diet does not matter. All that matters is Show Time

You will have a tendency to desire to cheat more

The biggest one, you dont get to eat carbs

Q: How long should I diet for my show?

A: In most cases it is recommended that you begin either program 16wks out from your show. In some cases 12wks will be fine but more of you will fall into the 16wk out mark.

Q: How do I know which diet to pick?

A: Either diet will work, but you will need to know your body and you will need to have someone else who knows your body to know exactly which diet to follow and to know and understand what changes to the diet need to be made. In most cases, you will be best served by trying both diets at different times to determine which is best for you. That does not mean you mix and match the diets during your preparation for a show, but rather use one diet for one show and the other diet for the next.

Q: I have a friend who eats junk all the way through the diet and he comes out ripped, why cant I?

A: Simple, you are not your friend and if you have a friend like this, your friend falls into a category that makes up less then 1% of the population. Further, your friend would be better served if he didnt eat like this; he just hasnt realized it yet.


Many people make a huge mistake when they begin their contest preparation and change the way they train. There is a common misconception that when you are trying to lose body fat that you are best served by implementing lighter weight and more reps. DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP! Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, you can still lose body fat this way, it is your diet that makes the biggest difference, but the best approach, what should be the only approach is to simply do what youve been doing. Whatever got you to where you are now, continue down that same path. If youve been following the training outlines, continue to do so in the exact same manner. The only thing that will change is your cardio training; weight training remains the same. Yes, you will have a loss of strength when you diet, so the amount of weight you use will go down, but you still train the same way no matter the body part being trained.


*If you follow the Carb Cycling diet it is recommended that the bulk of your cardio come from high intensity interval cardio training.

-Begin with 20 minutes of interval training 5 days per week either first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or immediately after your weight training.

-Increase the amount of cardio done per session 5-10 minutes each week as needed. Try to keep your interval training at no more then 40 minutes per session. If you end up needing more cardio then this, simply perform the rest of your cardio in a straight low intensity fashion. Many of you will need to do this if not most. If you are over 20lbs away from contest weight you will need to do cardio 6-7 days per week from the start. Most will end up here anyway.

-For your interval training, split it into 2 minute blocks. 2 minutes at a low intensity followed by 2 minutes at a high intensity and repeat until you reach the desired amount of time. However, many will find early on that the high intensity will be 1 minute and then two minutes at low intensity until they can build up.

-During times when you need to add in extra cardio that is low intensity only, keep your heart rate in the 120-130 beats per minute the entire time. You only do this if you have already completed your interval training for the day.

*If you follow the Low Carb diet it is recommended that you perform low intensity cardio only.

-Start with 40 minutes 5 days per week, performed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach or immediately after training. If you are over 20lbs away from contest weight you will need to do cardio 6-7 days per week from the start. Most will end up here anyway.

-Increase the amount of cardio done per session 5-10 minutes each week as needed.

-For all of your cardio you are to keep your heart rate in the 120-130 beats per minute the entire time in each cardio session you do.

-If you reach the point where you need more then one cardio session per day, make sure each session is at least 20 minutes and no more then 60 minutes for the larger part of your diet. At some point some of you will end up needing to do more cardio then this with longer duration, but save this for a last resort.

***Types of Cardio***

It is recommended that you avoid running as much as possible, a light jog is fine, but hard running for many of you will burn up too much muscle tissue. Other then that, IT DOES NOT MATTER! Treadmills, elliptical machines, stair mills, stair steppers, recumbent bikes, all of these are fine.

***The Carb Cycle Diet***

*The following diet is used to manipulate nutrient intake, fluctuating between carb and fat intake. When we follow proper off-season diets it is important to keep the nutrient intake in proper alignment (See Nutrient Breakdown in any of the nutritional outlines) but for your purposes here, this is not the case. Your goal is now pure fat loss, while minimizing muscle tissue loss to the fullest extent. Muscle tissue loss will occur, but the goal is to keep this as minimal as possible.

***How to follow Carb Cycle Diet***

*Follow the diet in RED 4 days straight

*Follow the diet in BLUE 1 day after the 4 RED days

*Follow the diet in GREEN 2 days in a row after 1 day in BLUE

*Example of how this might look:

Mon: RED

Tues: RED

Wed: RED

Thurs: RED




*By no means do you have to make the daily order the way it is laid out above. You could make your BLUE day Wed or you could make your GREEN days Thurs & Fri. You just need to make sure you keep the system flowing in the proper method as laid out above. Always complete 4 days straight of RED days, always complete two days straight of GREEN days and only one day of BLUE . However you do it, make is thorough throughout. Keep it the same the entire diet.

RED Day Diet:

Meal 1:

-15 egg whites or liquid equivalent

-1 cup oatmeal

(1)KCL: 547, PT: 60, Carb: 54, Fat:3

Always before training

Meal 2:

-8oz chicken

-1 cup of green beans or asparagus

-1oz almonds or cashews

(2)KCL: 415, PT: 50, Carb: 10, Fat: 14

Any time of day

Meal 3:

-Same as meal 2

(3) KCL: 415, PT: 50, Carb: 10, Fat: 14

Any time of day

Meal 4:

-50g of whey isolate in water

(4) KCL: 209. PT: 50, Carb: 0, Fat: 1

Any time of day

Meal 5:

-8oz chicken

-8oz of sweet potato

(5)KCL: 420, PT: 54, Carb: 41, fat 0

Always after training

Meal 6:

-8oz chicken

-1 cup of green beans or asparagus

(6)KCL: 250, PT: 50, Carb: 5, Fat: 0

Always your last meal of the day

Daily Totals:

Calories (KCL): 2256

Protein (PT): 314

Carb: 120

Fat: 32

*Note: Diet makes an estimate for calories and carbs from green vegetables. This may take your carb total over the amount listed but dont let this worry you at all. The diet also takes into account protein from all sources including, oats, and rice, etc. This means your protein source is actually slightly lower in terms of your main source of protein based foods.

BLUE Day Diet

Meal 1:

--5 egg whites or liquid equivalent

-2 cup oatmeal

(1)KCL:682, PT: 37.5, Carb:108, Fat: 6

Meal order is not of great importance on this day one exception

Meal 2:

-6 oz chicken

-2cups of rice

(2)KCL: 618, PT:46, Carb: 90, Fat: 4

Meal order is not of great importance on this day one exception

Meal 3:

-Same as meal 1

(3)KCL:682, PT: 37.5, Carb:108, Fat: 6

Meal order is not of great importance on this day one exception

Meal 4:

-Same as meal 2

(4)KCL: 618, PT:46, Carb: 90, Fat: 4

Meal order is not of great importance on this day one exception

Meal 5:

--6oz chicken

-12oz of sweet potato

(5)KCL: 486, PT: 36, Carb: 72, fat 0

Meal order is not of great importance on this day one exception

Meal 6:

-25g of whey isolate in water

-1 cup of oatmeal

(6)KCL: 509, PT:35, Carb:54, Fat: 4

Always the last meal of the day

Daily Totals:

Calories (KCL): 3595

Protein (PT): 238

Carb: 522

Fat: 24

*Note: The diet takes into account protein from all sources including, oats, and rice, etc. This means your protein source is actually slightly lower in terms of your main source of protein based foods.

GREEN Day Diet

Meal 1:

-5 Whole Eggs

-4 Egg whites

(1)KCL: 441, PT: 44, Carb: 5, Fat: 25

Meal order is not important

Meal 2:

-8oz Chicken

-1/4 cup almonds or cashews

(2)KCL: 568, PT: 60, Carb: 10, Fat: 28

Meal order is not important

Meal 3:

-50g whey isolate in water

-1&1/2 tbsp Natural peanut butter

(3)KCL: 349, PT:56, Carb: 4, Fat: 13

Meal order is not important

Meal 4:

-6oz Salmon

-1 cup green beans or asparagus

(4)KCL: 418, PT: 48, Carbs: 2, Fat: 24

Meal order is not important

Meal 5:

-Same as meal 3

(5)KCL: 349, PT:56, Carb: 2, Fat: 15

Meal order is not important

Meal 6:

-Same as meal 2

(6)KCL: 568, PT: 60, Carb: 10, Fat: 28

Meal order is not important

Daily Totals:

Calories (KCL): 2693

Protein (PT): 324

Carb: 31

Fat: 135

*Note: Diet makes an estimate for calories and carbs from green vegetables. This may take your carb total over the amount listed but dont let this worry you at all. The diet also takes into account protein from all sources including, oats, and rice, etc. This means your protein source is actually slightly lower in terms of your main source of protein based foods.

***Notes on diet***

If you train first thing in the morning, do not do so before eating your first meal of the day

There is not a post workout shake in your diet at this point. You will simply follow the plan as laid out

Meal order is unimportant, specific meals should be eaten at certain times as discussed in bullet points above, however, the specific layout of the meal plan is not set in stonemake it fit your routine as best as possible.

You should never eat a meal prior to doing your cardio. Cardio should always be done on an empty stomach for maximum benefit. See cardio section for appropriate protocol.

Follow the diet as closely as possible and youll see maximum results. As always, everyone responds differently to an extent but here are general rules that apply to all.

***Notes on Food Types***

1. Eggs: Eggs are one of the best sources of protein you can consume. With all foods, no matter how much protein the food has, the body can only use and process a limited amount from each food. Eggs, however, rank higher than almost any food we can ingest; almost the entire amount of protein from the egg will be utilized. Omega-3 eggs have even more benefit for the bodybuilder, as well as for general health. Omega-3 eggs have Omega-3 fats in them, a huge building block to a well-tuned physique; as well as an added bonus in helping to control cholesterol. If you cant find Omega-3 eggs, which should be very rare, regular eggs will work fine.

2. Whey Protein: There are a million brands and types of whey proteins on the market today, and it can be a difficult task to know which one is best.

Choose a protein powder that is of isolate form, not concentrate. Isolate protein absorbs more efficiently then concentrate.

Choose a protein powder that is very low in sugar, close to no sugar or even no sugar is what you want.

Choose a protein powder that is not full of saturated fat.

Choose a protein powder that is not high in cholesterol.

Once you have narrowed your search down to meet the above requirements, choose the protein powder that taste the best.

3. Peanut Butter: use only natural peanut butter. Your peanut butters ingredient list should read, Peanuts and salt thats it. It should have no added sugar. A jar of Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter will have 2 grams of sugar listed on the back label for one serving of 2tbsp.

4. Chicken: Make chicken breast your primary source of chicken. Chicken is high in protein, low in unhealthy fats and a perfect bodybuilding food.

5. Green Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, spinach and green beans should be your main source of vegetables. Other vegetables can be acceptable and can be good for you, but the before mentioned should be your primary source. Vegetables such as corn, white potatoes, and tomatoes should be held to a very minimal consumptionthere is no benefit for these in your diet at this stage. Canned, fresh or frozen is fine.

6. Fish: you can substitute fish for your chicken meals, such as flounder, tuna or tilapia.

7. Turkey: choose the white meat

8. Rice: Brown or white is fine. If you put on body fat easily stick with Brown. Both are very similar, however, brown rice is lower on the glycemic index. (see definition for glycemic index)

9. Sweet Potatoes: choose fresh, not canned.

10. Oatmeal: DO NOT use packet oatmeal. Regular instant or old fashioned is what you need to use.

11. Almonds and/or Cashews: highly recommended you choose Raw not roasted. If you have to use roasted do not use honey roasted or any other variation.

***Measuring Food***

1. Meats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

2. Rice: Measured cooked, NOT raw

3. Oats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

4. Nuts, Peanut Butter: Simply measured in a cup or tablespoon

***Cheat Meals***

For most, one cheat meal per week is acceptable and recommended, however you should follow your diet perfectly without the cheat meal for 2-3wks before having your first cheat meal. Once you reach the 2-3wk mark, a cheat meal will greatly aid in revving up your metabolism even more. One meal, 1x per wk, last meal of the day. Do not have the cheat meal on your high carb or lowest carb day.

Most all of you will need to eliminate the cheat meal at 3-4wks out, some will need to do so even sooner.

***Foods to be Avoided***

-If its not listed in the meal plan, then you dont eat it; its that simple.

***Acceptable Condiments***

1. Mustard: calorie free, eat all you want

2. Vinegar:

3. Any spice such as pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, etc.

4. Low carb Ketchup: Ketchup itself has not place in your diet, but a little low carb ketchup which has 1g of sugar per serving will be acceptable up until around the 6wk out mark

5. Low Carb Buffalo Sauce: this can be a great addition to your chicken, a low carb buffalo sauce should have no sugar added and only 1 carb per serving. And will be acceptable till around the 6wk out mark

6. Any condiment made by Walden Farms. Walden Farms makes a line of salad dressings, sauces and other items that are fat free, sugar free and gluten free.

***Condiments or Additives to be Avoided***

-Any condiment not listed in the Acceptable Condiment list.

***Supplements*** (You are strongly urged at this stage to use all of the following supplements.)

*Omega-3 Fish Oil: 3000mg every day, split into 3 doses, taken with food

*Coral Calcium: 1000mg-1500mg every day, taken with food

*Potassium: 99mg every day, taken with food

*Juice Plus+ or Related Product: 2 garden blend in the morning, 2 orchard blend at night, both taken with food

Omega-3 Fish Oil: An unsaturated fatty acid essential for good health.


  • Reduce risk of coronary heart disease, increase blood circulation, therefore decreasing circulatory problems.
  • Reduce blood pressure

Reduce blood triglyceride levels therefore reducing heart attack risk

  • Reduce flair up of arthritis or its onset
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Stronger immune system
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory

Coral Calcium: A very important mineral for your overall health.


  • Keeps bones strong and healthy
  • Helps maintain good oral health (teeth)
  • Aides in muscular contraction
  • Deficiency can lead to blood clotting, rickets and osteoporosis

Potassium: Important mineral for electrolyte balance in the body. The green vegetables you are eating in your diet provide potassium, as well as the Juice Plus+ that is strongly recommended, however, it is easy to fall below what your body adequately needs due to the hard training. Potassium deficiency coupled with hard training can often lead to some serious muscle cramping.


  • Maintain electrolyte balance
  • Decrease risk of hypertension

Juice Plus+: A whole food based nutritional supplement, including juice powder concentrates from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide a broad range of nutritional benefits. As a physique athlete it is easy to not get as many of the nutrients you need from fruits and vegetables; Juice Plus+ will take care of this completely.


Juice Plus delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body

  • Reduces markers of oxidative stress.

Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness.

  • Helps support a healthy immune system and protect DNA.

*You can take other supplements if you like, but try to stay away from anything that has added sugar in it. A lot of supplements contain sugar, and as someone looking to build a great body sugar is one of the number one enemies. The supplements above, along with the diet youll be following is all you really need to get the job done. Whats more, youll be keeping your pocket book fuller if you spend less on supplements and rely on food as the bulk of your daily intake.

***Final Notes on Carb Cycling Diet***

1. As you get closer to your show, you may indeed need to drop your overall carb intake down. Most of you at the 4wk out mark will need to take the high carb day and cut the amount of carbs in half; some will need to do this even sooner then that.

2. As you approach the 2wk out mark, most of you will need to adjust the diet dramatically. At this point adjust your diet to 6 meals per day, 50g of protein per meal from the same sources of foods. Keep your carb intake the same each day, 25g of carbs per meal the first 4 meals of the day while eliminating carbs completely from the last two meals. Some of you will need to start this process at approximately the 6wk out mark.

3. The vast majority will need to almost completely eliminate carbs from their diet as a staple the last few weeks.

***Your Final Week***

(Most shows are on Saturdays; we will base it on that)

*You will begin your carb up on Thursday; this means you have not had any carbs in your diet since at least the previous Sunday; for some slightly longer.

-Thursday: 25g of protein in each meal along with 50g of carbs in each meal.

-Friday: 25g of protein in each meal along with 50g of carbs in each meal, bump it up to close to 100g the last meal of the day.

-Saturday: Show Date

-Breakfast: 35g of protein, 50g of carbs. Approximately 6a.m. for a 10a.m. prejudging.

-Approximately 60-90 minutes before prejudging, only if needed, consume 35g-45g of fast acting carbs, pure sugar form.

-Post prejudging meal: Hamburger, fries and coffee

-Pre-Night Show Meal: 25g of protein, 25g of carbs.

-Approximately 60-90 minutes before the night show, only if it has been at least 2-3 hours since your Pre-Night Show meal, consume 35g-45 of fast acting carbs, pure sugar form.

*Water Intake: you will begin cutting water out on Thursday for a Saturday morning prejudging.

-Thursday: take in no more then 1 gallon of water spread it out evenly throughout the day.

-Friday: 1 gallon of water spread out evenly over the course of the day, stopping all water intake by approximately 6p.m.-7p.m.

-Saturday: no water until after prejudging. A couple ounces with your post prejudging meal is fine, just a couple but you will look even better for the night show if you were to choose coffee, approximately 4-5oz.

-After your post prejudging meal you will look much better if you continue to hold back on your water intake. Many choose not to do so since it is prejudging that matters more then anything else. But many desire to give their best performance at the night show as possible, in this case waiting till you have completed the night time round is the best approach. Youve made it this long, and at we say, why not finish with a bang!

-Post Night Show Meal: enjoy some junk, eat up, whatever you like. Youve earned it!!!

***Carb Sources to Choose From for Carb Up***

1. Oatmeal

2. Rice

3. Sweet Potatoes

4. Grits

5. Red Potatoes

-There are other foods you can choose to use, but these are your best option and at we are only giving you your best options.

-To make the most of your carb up, even though it is tedious, for maximum results choose only one food from the list and use that food as your only source of carbs during your carb up. Your body will react much better.

-All the foods on the list are good choices, some will react better to certain ones on the list; most will do best picking either sweet potatoes, red potatoes or Oatmeal.


The following diet is designed to cause your body to rely on energy from fats and fats alone. When we follow proper off-season diets it is important to keep the nutrient intake in proper alignment (See Nutrient Breakdown in any of the nutritional outlines) but for your purposes here, this is not the case. Your goal is now pure fat loss, while minimizing muscle tissue loss to the fullest extent. Muscle tissue loss will occur, but the goal is to keep this as minimal as possible.

Meal 1:

-5 Whole Eggs

-4 Egg whites

KCL: 441, PT: 44, Carb: 5, Fat: 25

Meal order is not important

Meal 2:

-8oz Chicken

-1/4 cup almonds or cashews

KCL: 568, PT: 60, Carb: 10, Fat: 28

Meal order is not important

Meal 3:

-50g whey isolate in water

-1&1/2 tbsp Natural peanut butter

KCL: 349, PT:56, Carb: 2, Fat: 15

Meal order is not important

Meal 4:

-6oz Salmon

-1 cup green beans or asparagus

KCL: 418, PT: 48, Carbs: 2, Fat: 24

Meal order is not important

Meal 5:

-Same as meal 3

KCL: 349, PT:56, Carb: 2, Fat: 15

Meal order is not important

Meal 6:

-Same as meal 2

KCL: 568, PT: 60, Carb: 10, Fat: 28

Meal order is not important

Daily Totals:

Calories (KCL): 2693

Protein (PT): 324

Carb: 31

Fat: 135

***Notes on LOW CARB diet***

There is not a post workout shake in your diet at this point. You will simply follow the plan as laid out

Meal order is unimportant, in this dietmix and match however you like.

You should never eat a meal prior to doing your cardio. Cardio should always be done on an empty stomach for maximum benefit. See cardio section for appropriate protocol.

Follow the diet as closely as possible and youll see maximum results. As always, everyone responds differently to an extent but there are general rules that apply to all.

***Notes on Food Types***

1. Eggs: Eggs are one of the best sources of protein you can consume. With all foods, no matter how much protein the food has, the body can only use and process a limited amount from each food. Eggs, however, rank higher than almost any food we can ingest; almost the entire amount of protein from the egg will be utilized. Omega-3 eggs have even more benefit for the bodybuilder, as well as for general health. Omega-3 eggs have Omega-3 fats in them, a huge building block to a well-tuned physique; as well as an added bonus in helping to control cholesterol. If you cant find Omega-3 eggs, which should be very rare, regular eggs will work fine.

2. Whey Protein: There are a million brands and types of whey proteins on the market today, and it can be a difficult task to know which one is best.

Choose a protein powder that is of isolate form, not concentrate. Isolate protein absorbs more efficiently then concentrate.

Choose a protein powder that is very low in sugar, close to no sugar or even no sugar is what you want.

Choose a protein powder that is not full of saturated fat.

Choose a protein powder that is not high in cholesterol.

Once you have narrowed your search down to meet the above requirements, choose the protein powder that taste the best.

3. Peanut Butter: use only natural peanut butter. Your peanut butters ingredient list should read, Peanuts and salt thats it. It should have no added sugar. A jar of Smuckers Natural Peanut Butter will have 2 grams of sugar listed on the back label for one serving of 2tbsp.

4. Chicken: Make chicken breast your primary source of chicken. Chicken is high in protein, low in unhealthy fats and a perfect bodybuilding food.

5. Green Vegetables: Broccoli, asparagus, spinach and green beans should be your main source of vegetables. Other vegetables can be acceptable and can be good for you, but the before mentioned should be your primary source. Vegetables such as corn, white potatoes, and tomatoes should be held to a very minimal consumptionthere is no benefit for these in your diet at this stage. Canned, fresh or frozen is fine.

6. Fish: you can substitute fish for your chicken meals, such as flounder, tuna or tilapia.

7. Turkey: choose the white meat

8. Almonds and/or Cashews: highly recommended you choose Raw not roasted. If you have to use roasted do not use honey roasted or any other variation.

***Measuring Food***

1. Meats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

2. Rice: Measured cooked, NOT raw

3. Oats: Measured raw, NOT cooked

4. Nuts, Peanut Butter: Simply measured in a cup or tablespoon

***Cheat Meals***

For most, one cheat meal per week is acceptable and recommended, however you should follow your diet perfectly without the cheat meal for 2-3wks before having your first cheat meal. Once you reach the 2-3wk mark, a cheat meal will greatly aid in revving up your metabolism even more. One meal, 1x per wk, last meal of the day. Do not have the cheat meal on your high carb or lowest carb day.

Most all of you will need to eliminate the cheat meal at 3-4wks out, some will need to do so even sooner.

***Foods to be Avoided***

-If its not listed in the meal plan, then you dont eat it; its that simple.

***Acceptable Condiments***

7. Mustard: calorie free, eat all you want

8. Vinegar:

9. Any spice such as pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, etc.

10. Low carb Ketchup: Ketchup itself has not place in your diet, but a little low carb ketchup which has 1g of sugar per serving will be acceptable up until around the 6wk out mark

11. Low Carb Buffalo Sauce: this can be a great addition to your chicken, a low carb buffalo sauce should have no sugar added and only 1 carb per serving. And will be acceptable till around the 6wk out mark

12. Any condiment made by Walden Farms. Walden Farms makes a line of salad dressings, sauces and other items that are fat free, sugar free and gluten free.

***Condiments or Additives to be Avoided***

-Any condiment not listed in the Acceptable Condiment list.

***Supplements*** (You are strongly urged at this stage to use all of the following supplements.)

*Omega-3 Fish Oil: 3000mg every day, split into 3 doses, taken with food

*Coral Calcium: 1000mg-1500mg every day, taken with food

*Potassium: 99mg every day, taken with food

*Juice Plus+ or Related Product: 2 garden blend in the morning, 2 orchard blend at night, both taken with food

Omega-3 Fish Oil: An unsaturated fatty acid essential for good health.


  • Reduce risk of coronary heart disease, increase blood circulation, therefore decreasing circulatory problems.
  • Reduce blood pressure

Reduce blood triglyceride levels therefore reducing heart attack risk

  • Reduce flair up of arthritis or its onset
  • Improve cholesterol levels
  • Stronger immune system
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory

Coral Calcium: A very important mineral for your overall health.


  • Keeps bones strong and healthy
  • Helps maintain good oral health (teeth)
  • Aides in muscular contraction

Deficiency can lead to blood clotting, rickets and osteoporosis

Potassium: Important mineral for electrolyte balance in the body. The green vegetables you are eating in your diet provide potassium, as well as the Juice Plus+ that is strongly recommended, however, it is easy to fall below what your body adequately needs due to the hard training. Potassium deficiency coupled with hard training can often lead to some serious muscle cramping.


  • Maintain electrolyte balance
  • Decrease risk of hypertension

Juice Plus+: A whole food based nutritional supplement, including juice powder concentrates from 17 different fruits, vegetables and grains. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide a broad range of nutritional benefits. As a physique athlete it is easy to not get as many of the nutrients you need from fruits and vegetables; Juice Plus+ will take care of this completely.


Juice Plus delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body

  • Reduces markers of oxidative stress.

Positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness.

  • Helps support a healthy immune system and protect DNA.

*You can take other supplements if you like, but try to stay away from anything that has added sugar in it. A lot of supplements contain sugar, and as someone looking to build a great body sugar is one of the number one enemies. The supplements above, along with the diet youll be following is all you really need to get the job done. Whats more, youll be keeping your pocket book fuller if you spend less on supplements and rely on food as the bulk of your daily intake.

Note: Many may also need a good fiber supplement taken daily with this type of diet.

***Final Notes on the Low Carb Diet***

1. At the 4-6 week mark many of you will need to start dropping your fat intake. Some of you will need to do so before hand, it is impossible to say exactly when on our end at without knowing and seeing the individual ourselves. When you reach this point, simply cut all the fats out of your diet for a day or two while keeping protein intake the same; choose your protein based foods from the list youre already using. On these days add in two servings of green beans or asparagus to your diet; 1 cup twice per day. If and when you follow this protocol, you may reach a time when you need to run consecutive no fat days followed by a day of your standard diet where the fat is back in the meal plan.

2. Almost all who follow this diet will need to eliminate the fat from their diet before they begin their carb up, approximately 4-5 days before they begin their carb up depending on the individual.

***Your Final Week***

(Most shows are on Saturdays, we will base it on that)

*You will begin your carb up on Thursday; this means you have not had any fats in your diet since at least the previous Saturday or Friday; for some slightly longer.

-Thursday: 50g of protein in each meal along with 25g of carbs in each meal.

-Friday: 50g of protein in each meal along with 50g of carbs in each meal.

-Saturday: Show Date

-Breakfast: 25g-35g of protein, 15g of fat, 50g of carbs. Approximately 6a.m. for a 10a.m. prejudging.

-Approximately 60-90 minutes before prejudging, only if needed, consume 25g of fast acting carbs, pure sugar form.

-Post prejudging meal: Hamburger, fries and coffee

-Pre-Night Show Meal: 25g of protein, 25g of carbs.

-Approximately 60-90 minutes before the night show, only if it has been at least 2-3 hours since your Pre-Night Show meal, consume 25g of fast acting carbs, pure sugar form.

*Water Intake: you will begin cutting water out on Friday for a Saturday morning prejudging.

-Friday: 1-1.5g of water spread out evenly over the course of the day, stopping all water intake by approximately 6p.m.-7p.m.

-Saturday: no water until after prejudging. A couple ounces with your post prejudging meal is fine, just a couple but you will look even better for the night show if you were to choose coffee, approximately 4-5oz.

-After your post prejudging meal you will look much better if you continue to hold back on your water intake. Many choose not to do so since it is prejudging that matters more then anything else. But many desire to give their best performance at the night show as possible, in this case waiting till you have completed the night time round is the best approach. Youve made it this long, at we say, why not finish with a bang!

-Post Night Show Meal: enjoy some junk, eat up, whatever you like. Youve earned it!!!

***Carb Sources to Choose From for Carb Up***

1. Oatmeal

2. Rice

3. Sweet Potatoes

4. Grits

5. Red Potatoes

-There are other foods you can choose to use, but these are your best option and at we are only giving you your best options.

-To make the most of your carb up, even though it is tedious, for maximum results choose only one food from the list and use that food as your only source of carbs during your carb up. Your body will react much better.

-All the foods on the list are good choices, some will react better to certain ones on the list; most will do best picking either sweet potatoes, red potatoes or Oatmeal.

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