For anyone who supplements with anabolic steroids understanding the effects of testosterone can be of paramount importance. Truly testosterone is worthy of understanding in all of our lives, steroid users or not as it is an essential hormone to the very health and well-being of all men and women. Even so, as it plays roles in a physical, mental and sexual manner it is often the physical most are concerned with and the effects of testosterone in this regard are tremendous. While the effects of testosterone on our direct physical state are of an important nature the other avenues by-which it performs are of great importance too yet often neglected and thats human nature; we many times focus on vanity more so than practicality. However, through understanding the hormone itself we can aptly understand its effects and how best to maximize the benefits it holds; this does not merely include performance enhancers but even the everyday man who suffers from low levels of testosterone.
The testosterone hormone is an androgen class hormone; in-fact it is the primary androgen by-which androgens exist. Produced by both men and women, although to a far greater degree in men, the hormone is responsible for many things and plays a role in many aspect of our total well-being, most notably including:
The effects of testosterone can be seen in each and every category listed above and when levels fall we suffer; conversely, when levels are increased we thrive in each and every area. It doesnt matter where the hormone comes from; naturally produced or introduced exogenously it performs in the body in the same manner revolving around the same functions; in that there is absolutely no difference.
Low testosterone is a condition that should be a concern of every man, for as we age our natural levels decline and they do so in every single man. How great the decline is can vary from man to man but every man will reach a point in his life to where levels are below an optimal range and it is not uncommon for such a range to exist even as early as 30 years of age in some cases. While proper diet and regular exercise can greatly aid in staving off such a condition it will occur nevertheless and when it does the positive effects of testosterone will begin to be lost. Men who suffer from Hypogonadism as it is officially called often find many horrible symptoms to be a reality, including but not limited to:
If these symptoms were not bad enough it only gets worse, as the advent of low testosterone if left ignored will open the door to a host of possible other conditions and symptoms including but not limited to:
By the very nature of the primary androgen the effects of testosterone can directly improve our odds in order to ensure we do not experience such symptoms and conditions. Further, men who suffer from Andropause as it is often referred to will find their symptoms often improved upon and in many cases completely reversed. When we increase testosterone to its optimal range the effects of testosterone are able to be felt and function in a positive state.
Regardless of your purpose of testosterone use it functions in the same fashion; all of the areas for which the effects of testosterone are responsible for improve. However, in performance enhancement we are simply doing just that, enhancing the androgens capabilities and by doing so we enable ourselves to build more lean tissue, maintain more tissue when dieting, increase strength and perform with greater athletic prowess; not to mention, our physique simply looks better. In the world of performance enhancement there are four specific attributes regarding the effects of testosterone that are of a very important to note and they include:
Through these attributes our performance is enhanced, our physique is enhanced and our sense of well-being is nothing short of through the roof. Yes, the effects of testosterone are truly this great, they are truly this powerful; so much so that there is no amount of food you can eat, no diet you can follow, no training program you can take part of that will have the effects of testosterone in any way and its not even close.
When we look at the treatment of low testosterone and performance enhancement, the two primary purposes of testosterone use and the two primary methods by-which the effects of testosterone are noted we see there are many overlapping similarities. Truly the only difference in performance enhancement is the doses are higher there by the effects themselves are enhanced. To receive the positive effects of testosterone beyond what you naturally produce it really doesnt matter which form you acquire; Testosterone-Cypionate, Testosterone-Enanthate, Testosterone-Propionate, mixtures such as Sustanon-250 and Omnadren or any other form you can think of, they all contain the same identical testosterone hormone. In the end you simply need the hormone and once you have adequate levels to even beyond you will function and thrive to your desired and needed level; this much is assured.
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