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Deca Durabolin Results

Deca Durabolin results, what are they and what can you expect? Will Deca Durabolin cause innumerable problems or will the results only be the ones you want? These are all common questions many have when looking at any steroid, and unfortunately, there’s no perfect one size fits all answer to these questions. However, with proper use, assuming you’re a healthy adult male, we can assure you Deca Durabolin results will be the results you desire.

Deca Durabolin results in large buildups in lean muscle mass; this is how most associate the steroid, but it’s not as cut and dry as you might think. Yes, Deca Durabolin results in the promotion of lean muscle mass, but it’s not magic and still requires you to eat and train. Remember, steroids are not substances that take away the need to do work or that work against the rules of nutrition. Steroids are hormones that have the ability to enhance what you’re already doing right. If you want Deca Durabolin results of a quality nature, this means you have to be doing things right before supplementation and throughout.

For Deca Durabolin results of a mass promoting nature, you will need to consume enough calories. Generally, this will be slightly above your maintenance calorie needs. How much of an increase can vary from man to man, but it should not take a thousand calorie per day surplus, generally far less. Of course, we must also take into account what the maintenance level is. The more muscular you are the higher your maintenance level will be. The faster and stronger your metabolism is, which is in part affected by your total muscle mass, will also affect your maintenance level. However, for high quality Deca Durabolin results, regardless of where maintenance is, we will only increase total intake slightly. Some body fat gain will occur, but we want to keep this as minimal as possible. If you gorge you will get fat, it’s that simple. If you control your intake and consume only what you need, you will produce high quality gains, and due to the slow nature by which they’ll come they should be much easier to hold onto compared to many anabolic steroids.

It is commonly said that Deca Durabolin results in water retention and that there’s nothing you can really do about it. It is true, this steroid can promote water retention, but keep in mind its total aromatase activity is only approximately 20% of testosterone. Controlling water retention is very easy with this steroid, but it will require an anti-estrogen. If an anti-estrogen is used and Deca Durabolin results in massive water retention just the same, it is possible you need to increase your anti-estrogen dose. However, in most cases, it simply means you’re eating too much. If you overeat abundantly, especially carbohydrates, you will hold water. This is a principle that will hold true with or without the use of Deca Durabolin. Control your diet and use an anti-estrogen and there is no reason to have a problem.

It is also commonly said that Deca Durabolin results in erectile dysfunction despite supplementing with exogenous testosterone. Some believe they are poor responders to the hormone and that no matter how much testosterone they use erectile dysfunction problems will occur. While they may very well have erectile issues each time they use the steroid, odds are strong they’re doing something wrong. Many will try increasing their total testosterone dose to eliminate the problem, and often this only exasperates the issue. By increasing testosterone doses, they have now created more estrogenic activity, which can hinder sexual performance. Then we have those who use massive amounts of anti-estrogens, particularly Aromatase Inhibitors (AI’s). By doing so, we bottom out our estrogen levels and sexually related side effects can occur. In order to maximize Deca Durabolin results while maintaining proper bodily functions, we must maintain proper and healthy testosterone to estrogen ratios. Large doses of testosterone and Deca Durabolin with no AI can lead to this problem. Conversely, large or small doses of both hormones conjoined with massive AI doses can also lead to this problem; find the right balance and you will be pleased with your Deca Durabolin results.

When first examining Deca Durabolin results, particularly at the early stages of use, many are dissatisfied with the results. Because it’s an anabolic steroid, it’s quite common to assume you’ll turn into a mass monster over night. We’re sorry to break this news to you; it doesn’t work that way. Deca Durabolin is a slow acting steroid, and it will take patience to see results. Granted, there are steroids that can promote mass at a much faster rate, but we’re generally talking about water retention, not actual muscle mass. If you use a steroid like Anadrol or Dianabol you can easily gain as much as twenty to even thirty pounds in a few weeks, but this doesn’t mean you gained thirty pounds of actual muscle mass. Once Anadrol or Dianabol are discontinued, you will learn the truth fast as your weight quickly and dramatically drops. However, Deca Durabolin results in far more stable and true gains in size; we’re talking about actual muscle mass you can hold onto assuming you continue to train and eat properly.

When examining the effects of this steroid, those of a therapeutic nature are perhaps the most beneficial of all. Deca Durabolin results of a healing nature will not only occur, they are real and more valuable than most can imagine. They may not be as exciting sounding as other results and effects, but they are the most important. Recovery is greatly enhanced due to the use of this steroid, and recovery is precisely where progress occurs. We do not actually make progress when we train; training actually tears down our muscle tissue. It is when we are at rest, when we feed our body and allow it to recover that tissue is built, damage is repaired and the body is made stronger. This recovery will be enhanced; it will be faster and far more efficient thanks to this steroid. Many will also find Deca Durabolin results in tremendous pain relief, especially in the joints, but it can provide pain relief in most of the connective tissues of the body. This is not false relief or what is similar to opiates or even over the counter NSAID’s but actual therapeutic relief. When considering Deca Durabolin results, this is where the steroid truly shines.

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