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Clomid Dosage

If you’re going to put it into your body from medicine to hormones or in this case a SERM you are going to want to know the proper dose; after all, without this information it’s unlikely you’re going to be able to use it correctly. Like many things a Clomid dosage can vary quite dramatically but one thing is for certain the average Clomid dosage among many performance enhancers is far too low. It is very common to see a Clomid dosage of 50mg per day for Post Cycle therapy (PCT) purposes and while there is a use for this dose during PCT it should be noted, 50mg of this SERM is about the equivalent of 10mg of Nolvadex.

Proper Clomid Dosage – PCT:

Most who supplement with this SERM will be best served at beginning at 150mg per day for at least a couple weeks and then slowly tapering down. While a 150mg per day Clomid dosage can be very effective there are those who are going to need a little more but we can safely say a dosing plan that begins lower than this after any serious anabolic steroid cycle really isn’t going to do much and will be worth very little.

Proper Clomid Dosage – On Cycle:

Some performance enhancing athletes will supplement with Clomid during their actual anabolic steroid cycle itself in an effort to stave off Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia occurs due to the presence of estrogen in the body by-which it then binds to the receptors in the chest producing male breast enlargement. While it can be efficient many often simply use Nolvadex for this purpose but neither SERM will provide 100% guaranteed satisfaction in this regard. In many cases only aromatase inhibitors will do but for some a good SERM can be useful. For this purpose a solid Clomid dosage of approximately 50mg per day should suffice but again, Nolvadex has been proven to be slightly more effective and aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex and Letrozole even more so.

Planning Clomid Dosage:

For the average PCT that includes Clomiphene Citrate generally 4-5 weeks of use will suffice. In many cases it is very advantageous to begin and complete a course of hCG use before Clomiphene therapy begins but it is not absolutely necessary. As mentioned a good Clomid dosage will normally begin at 150mg per day; some will need a little more but unfortunately this is something we cannot predict but 150mg is a good rule of thumb. For the majority this dosing will hold steady and then begin a slow decline until use is completely discontinued. At this point the individual will be relying strictly on his own natural production and while it will not be back to 100% after any PCT plan it will be on its way and much faster than if the PCT plan had not been implemented at all. A standard plan that can be useful to follow is provided so that you may see the adequate Clomid dosage on a per day basis for each week of use:

  • Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
  • Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
  • Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day
    (add an extra week at 50mg per day if needed)

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