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Anavar Side Effects

Anabolic androgenic steroids carry with them a potential for negative side effects this is true and while such side effects are commonly blown out of proportion they do exist yet largely vary from one steroid to the next in-terms of types and probability. It is also very important to note, while there is a probability that exist individual response and largely personal responsibility play a massive role with the latter being far more important. In the case of Anavar side effects we have one of the most side effect friendly anabolic steroids of all time as it is generally very well-tolerated by both men and women greatly.

Non-Existent Anavar Side Effects:

In the world of anabolic steroids many of the side effects that exist do so due to an aromatizing nature of the hormone. Many anabolic steroids once present in the body, as by their testosterone nature convert into estrogen; as estrogen levels increase such related side effects can occur. For this reason many athletes supplement with aromatase inhibitors alongside their anabolic steroids to keep estrogen levels under control; however, as Anavar side effects are not of an estrogenic nature such precaution is not necessary. Estrogenic related problems such as Gynecomastia and water retention are of no concern when the Oxandrolone hormone is being used.

Blood Pressure Cholesterol Testosterone:

Blood pressure and cholesterol issues can be some of the negative Anavar side effects in some but they are both very rare and largely dependent on other factors in the individuals life; in most cases we have a very blood pressure and cholesterol friendly anabolic steroid in Oxandrolone. As it pertains to testosterone, as you understand the presence of anabolic androgenic steroids suppresses natural testosterone production; how great the suppression is varies from one steroid to the next but suppression will exist to one degree of another. In the case of Anavar we have one of the more suppression friendly hormones we could ever use and while it is friendly some suppression will occur. For this reason men who supplement with the Oxandrolone hormone are urged to take precaution and supplement with some form of exogenous testosterone; while Anavar side effects may be mild the symptoms of low testosterone are not.

Anavar Side Effects & Women:

As it is often called The Girl Steroid it carries this name because Oxandrolone is so well-tolerated by women in terms of negative or adverse reactions. Many anabolic androgenic steroids cannot be used by women if they are concerned with virilization which simply refers to masculinization effects. Virilization can lead to a deepening of the vocal chords, body-hair growth, and clitoral enlargement and even in some cases hair-loss in the frontal region of the scalp. However, most women who supplement with Anavar will find such effects to be non-existent when used responsibly and will only enjoy the benefits of this very friendly hormone. Yes, Anavar side effects can cause virilization in some women but normally only if doses are exceeded beyond the recommended amount; almost all women who stay in the 10mg per day range for periods of 6 weeks will be fine. For those who do begin to show any negative reaction do not freak out; merely discontinue use and the symptoms will fade away very quickly; it is when symptoms are ignored and allowed to set in that permanent changes can become a reality.

Anavar Side Effects of DHT:

Like all DHT anabolic steroids Anavar side effects can include acne and hair-loss but there are important things to note. Most who supplement with this steroid will not fall prey to acne if they keep their skin clean and generally only those who are predisposed to serious acne problems will have a problem. Further, one reason some run into problems is because they purchase products of an unsanitary nature; as always, buy human grade and only human grade and so many of your concerns will be eliminated. As it pertains to hair-loss, it is true, Anavar side effects can include this as can almost all DHT steroids but its not as cut and dry as you think. If any DHT derived anabolic steroid causes you to lose any hair guess what; you were going to lose it any way. DHT based hair-loss only speeds up the process, you were already going to go bald. If you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness there is no DHT steroid on earth that will cause you to lose the first hair, not even Anavar.

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