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Anavar Results

When discussing performance enhancing be it with a newbie or someone completely unfamiliar there is one very common question, in-fact its the most common of all; what will the results be? Sure, in some small way there might be a one-size fits all answer but if youve been around performance enhancing for any period of time you understand thats not really true. There are literally hundreds of different anabolic steroids available and while many of them carry very similar properties and many can provide very similar results, the results obtained from one to the next can also be very different. Add into the equation peptide hormones, AIs, SERMs, fragment hormones and on and on and the results you can obtain do just that; they go on and on. With all of that in mind, here we are concerned with one thing, Anavar results, what they entail and hopefully determining whether or not Anavar results in a steroid worth your time.

Bulking Anavar Results:

For the off-season athlete, especially one of a bodybuilding or power lifting nature Anavar results in very little to warrant use during this period of time. As a mild steroid it will do very little in-terms of providing noteworthy size, even at a high dose it simply isnt structured to meet this end; to give you an idea of how poor of a bulking agent it can be, in most men 20mg of Dianabol would result in more lean tissue gain than 100mg of Anavar.

For the performance athlete, say an off-season baseball or football player or any other athlete you can think of, Anavar results might be a little more welcomed during their off-season approach. The Oxandrolone steroid is well-suited for preservation, regeneration and repair of damaged muscle tissue and as many of these athletes only want a slight bump such might lend them to progression during hard off-seasons training.

Without question it will be off-season female athletes who will see Anavar results to be the most beneficial during the off-season period; even those who are looking for added size. Women are far more sensitive to the Oxandrolone hormone than men and while it will not pile on massive amounts it will add more tissue to them than in men and every last once will be just that, lean tissue. Further, as Anavar results in very little virilization effects if it all, making it one of the most side-effect friendly steroids of all time, all-in-all it is the perfect off-season steroid for most female athletes.

Cutting Anavar Results:

For a good cutting cycle the long and short can be summed up very easily; Anavar results in a leaner, harder and more pleasing physique, plain and simple. This is one of the few anabolic steroids we may aptly label primarily a cutting steroid in the same light as Winstrol. Almost all anabolic steroids can be used for both cutting an bulking cycles and often to a similar level of efficiency but in this case Anavar results in almost pure cutting fashion and quality. As discussed above the Oxandrolone hormone greatly preserves and repairs muscle tissue but it further greatly promotes total metabolic activity and fat burning.

While this steroid can be useful to a male, especially one desiring a beach look it will again be female athletes who benefit from Anavar results to the greatest degree during the dieting process; in-fact, if it were not for this steroid the fitness industry itself would not exist in the state it does; those female fitness models advertising your favorite protein bar, they didnt fall out of the sky. Its no secret, it can be harder for women to lose body-fat than men and when they do holding onto lean tissue can be even harder. This is where anabolic steroids become useful but as so many can be so damaging to a womans femininity, often they cant touch them. This is where Oxandrolone comes into play as it can be in almost all cases 100% side-effect friendly and only produce a positive outcome when used responsibly.

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