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Where are Steroids Legal

Where are steroids legal? It’s a common question asked, especially on steroid message boards, and it’s a broad question that holds many more. It’s not enough to ask where are steroids legal, as legality can vary on a few key issues. The right questions to ask would be where is it legal to buy steroids, where is it legal to possess steroids, yes there’s a difference in buying a possessing and where is it legal to sell steroids? These are the correct questions, and depending on the country we’re talking about the answer to each one can vary a great deal.

With the above in mind, we want to answer these questions and more so that the next time you ask where can I buy steroids legally or where are steroids legal in a broader sense, you’ll have the right answer each and every time. Of course, it must be noted; each and every time such a question is answered, keep in mind the law can change. While one country may possess a certain law, and it’s happened more than once, overnight it can flip like a light switch, and it may not be in your favor. For this reason, if you are considering a purchase or any type of anabolic steroid related activity, it is vitally important you familiarize yourself with the current law. Even so, we’ll give you a solid basis to go by, a solid foundation that will give you confidence in being able to answer these questions.

Where Can I Buy Steroids Legally?

Where can I buy steroids legally, if we told you anywhere you want we’d be giving you the best news of your life, and in some ways anywhere you want is almost true. In most any country, you can legally buy anabolic steroids so as long as you do so from the pharmacy via a prescription given to you to treat a medical need. In places like the United States, this is the only way you can purchase anabolic steroids, and this will hold true in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada and Portugal.

While the above mentioned six countries all require a prescription to legally buy and possess anabolic steroids, by far the U.S. is the strictest. For example, in Canada it is illegal to sell anabolic steroids and it is illegal to buy them, but if you are caught in possession there is no serious infraction at hand. Conversely, in the U.S. mere possession is a direct violation of the Steroid Control Acts. Where are steroids legal? Well, pretty much anywhere as long as you have a prescription.

Where is it Legal to Possess Steroids?

While Canada does not carry harsh possession laws, there are countries that carry no possession laws per say; in-fact, you won’t even need a prescription but you must make your purchase from the pharmacy. Many European nations carry such laws, and the United Kingdom is the prime example. In the U.K. you cannot buy anabolic steroids on the black market and you most certainly cannot sell them; however, you can walk into a pharmacy and buy them as you would a bottle of cough syrup. Romania is also similar, but a little stricter; you may need a prescription, although often a blind eye is turned. Turkey is another place that comes to mind; you can legally buy and possess them, but you cannot import or export anabolic steroids.

In What Countries are Steroids Legal?

In what countries are steroids legal; not just legal but outright legal. Without question, the prime example is Mexico; in Mexico you can buy or sell anabolic steroids anywhere you want. There is no regulation on manufacturing or purchasing, there is no such thing as a possession violation or anything of this nature. Many in the U.S. often take advantage of Mexican laws due to its close proximity; however, there is a catch. If you are a U.S. citizen, you can legally go to Mexico and buy, possess and use all the anabolic steroids you want and legally so, but you cannot legally bring them back with you. If you do, even though they were legally purchased under Mexican law, brining them across the boarder is once again a violation of the Steroid Control Acts.

Beyond Mexico, there are several countries where you can do pretty much anything you want when it comes to anabolic steroids. Bulgaria, Columbia, Egypt, India, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Syria and the Ukraine all carry almost non-existent anabolic steroid laws. It should go without saying, when it comes to the question, where can I buy steroids  legally, well, we’ve just given you the open door answer.

Where is it Legal to Sell Steroids?

Where is it legal to sell steroids? Mexico, without question and most of the countries listed above in the “what countries are steroids legal” section allow selling. Of course, some do frown on the practice a little, such as in Israel, but there is no serious infraction and nothing to worry about at all for the individual making the purchase. The same can be said of India and Pakistan with even more leniency, and while Russia and the Ukraine may bark a little on paper, there is no fallout from such an endeavor. As for anywhere else around the world, it may only be a heavy fine, but in most of the E.U., the U.S., Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, and Portugal you will find this to be a serious infraction; more so in the U.S. than anywhere else.

Where is it Legal to Possess Steroids Outside the U.S.?

Where is it legal to possess steroids? Obviously, you can legally possess them in any country we’ve mentioned, even in the U.S., but overall legality once again rest on the law. For the majority of the population, you will need a prescription, for the rest of you, you’ll merely need to buy them from the pharmacy prescription or not, and from there it’s whatever you want. If you find yourself in Mexico or one of the other similar countries, it is not legal or illegal to possess steroids; there is no law either way just as there’s no law regarding the air you breath.

Where are Steroids Legal – Everywhere & Nowhere:

Where is it legal to buy steroids? Anywhere you want so as long as it’s done within the scope of the law, and the law may be so open it doesn’t exist or it may be so tight you’ll need a prescription that won’t provide you much at all. As you can see, there is no cut and dry or black and white answer to this question, it all depends on the soil you’re standing on, but hopefully we’ve given you a good idea on the situation at hand; for some of you, it may be time to pack your bags and jump on the first plane.

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