A Testosterone Suspension cycle is not all that common. With testosterone compounds like Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate so heavily available very few anabolic steroid users will have a need for a Testosterone Suspension cycle. However, there are those who enjoy the compound, and often as a small part of a larger cycle. Then we have performance athletes; contrary to popular belief they only represent a small portion of the anabolic steroid using population. However, such athletes will often find a Testosterone Suspension to be the best testosterone to meet their needs.
A base Testosterone Suspension cycle will normally contain 75-100mg of Testosterone Suspension every other day or 50mg every day. This will normally be a short lived cycle that last for approximately 8 weeks and can be stacked with any anabolic steroid. A base Testosterone Suspension cycle may include Dianabol at the front end or compounds like Anavar or Winstrol. Other injectable items might include Nandrolone or Trenbolone among numerous other options. Important note – a base Testosterone Suspension cycle is generally not recommended for a beginner; in fact, new steroid users will rarely want to use this compound. Here is a sample of what such a plan might look like: ***NOTE*** If Dianabol is used DO NOT use Anavar – If Anavar is used DO NOT use Dianabol – Pick one or the other
During any off-season phase you will reach a point to where the gains slow down or come to a screeching halt. For this reason, some advanced steroid users, typically hardcore bodybuilders, may implement a Testosterone Suspension cycle or period of use at the mid-cycle point. Even if you’re uncertain of when the plateau will exist, it can be impossible to predict, you can plan on a phase of use that will ensure it doesn’t occur. This is an excellent way to spur new growth and keep the gains coming, but this type of Testosterone Suspension cycle cannot be recommended to most. This can be a harsh plan and the risk of adverse side effects will be strong. The side effects can be controlled but you really need to have a good bit of steroid experience under your belt. The following chart will show you what a plateau busting Testosterone Suspension cycle might look like:
For the purpose of athletic enhancement, which refers to those who are not physique minded, a Testosterone Suspension cycle may be what you need. Many athletes prefer Testosterone Suspension due to its detection time being only approximately 24 hours, making it an often perfect choice. However, while others may not have detection issues to be concerned with, the rapid spike in testosterone this compound will provide also makes it a great option. Below we have listed a Testosterone Suspension cycle to meet most any athlete’s needs. The first will see strength and performance greatly improved while the second the same as well as tremendous benefits in recovery.
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