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Testosterone Propionate Cycle

A Testosterone Propionate cycle can be implemented for any purpose of anabolic steroid use due to this hormone’s tremendous versatility. Bulking or cutting, you can plan a Testosterone Propionate cycle that will produce fantastic results. We will also find a Testosterone Propionate cycle can be used for beginners or long time veteran steroid users. However, as this steroid must be injected frequently, many beginners may find they are more comfortable with large ester testosterone compounds that do not have to be injected as frequently. Regardless of your levels of experience, you will find the hormone is generally well-tolerated by most all healthy adult men and the perfect hormone/compound to build your cycle around.

Base Testosterone Propionate Cycle:

A base Testosterone Propionate cycle is perfect for a beginner, but is also a plan many veterans can still follow. A base Testosterone Propionate cycle will work and produce results every time it’s implemented regardless of your level of experience. For such a plan, 100mg of Testosterone Propionate for 8-12 weeks is a perfect starting point. This is also the only anabolic steroid many will need in such a plan. Most men will, however, need to include an anti-estrogen in order to combat possible estrogenic related effects. Bulking or cutting, this Testosterone Propionate cycle will produce results; the end result will be determined by your diet. While a base Testosterone Propionate cycle may only include the testosterone compound, other items can be added. In an off-season period of training, some may find 4-6 weeks of Dianabol at 20-30mg per day to be beneficial. In a cutting phase, Anavar at 30-50mg per day the final 6-8 weeks can be acceptable. The following charts will show you how to plan this type of Testosterone Propionate cycle.

Week Testosterone Propionate Dianabol Arimidex
1 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
2 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
3 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
4 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
5 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
6 100mg/eod 20-30mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
7 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
8 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
9 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
10 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
11 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
12 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod


Week Testosterone Propionate Anavar Arimidex
1 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
2 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
3 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
4 100mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
5 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
6 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
7 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
8 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
9 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
10 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
11 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod
12 100mg/eod 30-50mg/ed 0.5mg/eod

Off-Season Testosterone Propionate Cycle:

For the more advanced anabolic steroid user, we can develop a strong Testosterone Propionate cycle that will produce tremendous rates of growth. However, you should have some experience under your belt before attempting this type of plan. It’s also important to keep in mind this Testosterone Propionate cycle like those above is merely a guide and not set in stone. The total stack and doses may need to be adjusted in order to meet your needs; again, this is a sample guide. It is also important you consult with your doctor to ensure you’re healthy enough for use.

Week Testosterone Propionate Nandrolone Phenylpropionate Anadrol HGH (Optional) Arimidex
1 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 50mg/ed 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
2 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 50mg/ed 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
3 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 50mg/ed 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
4 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 50mg/ed 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
5 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
6 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
7 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
8 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
9 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
10 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
11 200mg/eod     4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
12 200mg/eod     4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod

Cutting Testosterone Propionate Cycle:

A Testosterone Propionate cycle during a cutting phase is an excellent way to ensure muscle mass isn’t lost during a diet. You will also find it enhances fat loss efficiency and produces a stronger more defined look. As with the off-season Testosterone Propionate cycle, the total stack and doses may need to be adjusted in order to meet your needs; again, this is a sample guide. It is also important you consult with your doctor to ensure you’re healthy enough for use. Important Note – This type of Testosterone Propionate cycle will not produce less or more water retention compared to plans that might contain Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate in the Propionate versions place. It’s often assumed by many steroid users that Testosterone Propionate will yield less water retention than the aforementioned versions but that’s a myth. Testosterone is testosterone and does not become active in the body until the ester has been removed. The reason many believe it leads to less water retention is a very simple one; most given extra attention to their diet and estrogen control during a cutting phase, and this will always lead to less water retention in a Testosterone Propionate cycle or any cycle.

Week Testosterone Propionate Trenbolone Acetate Masteron HGH (Optional) Arimidex
1 200mg/eod     4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
2 200mg/eod     4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
3 200mg/eod 100mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
4 200mg/eod 100mg/eod   4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
5 200mg/eod 100mg/eod 100mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
6 200mg/eod 100mg/eod 100mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
7 200mg/eod 100mg/eod 100mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
8 200mg/eod 100mg/eod 100mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
9 100mg/eod 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
10 100mg/eod 200mg/eod 200mg/eod 4iu/ed 0.5mg/eod
11 100mg/eod 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   0.5mg/eod
12 100mg/eod 200mg/eod 200mg/eod   0.5mg/eod

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