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Testosterone Enanthate Doses

Testosterone Enanthate doses can vary greatly depending on the purpose of use, experience, desires and needs. There is no one size fits all dose, but there are ranges we can go by in order to guide us along the way. Regardless of the Testosterone Enanthate doses in question, performance or Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) related, we will find the compound is very well-tolerated. The higher the dose goes the greater the risk, but most men can tolerate Testosterone Enanthate doses above standard TRT levels. With that in mind, let’s look at various Testosterone Enanthate doses and see if we can find the right one for you.

TRT Testosterone Enanthate Doses:

In therapeutic treatment plans, specifically TRT, standard male Testosterone Enanthate doses will fall in the 100-200mg per week range. The total dose may be administered once a week or in two small injections such as 50-100mg twice a week, i.e. every Monday and Thursday. There are, however, some physicians who will still prescribe the patient to inject the total dose once every two weeks using the hormone’s half-life as a basis, but this has been proven highly inefficient. Regardless of the Testosterone Enanthate doses in question, levels will peak 48 hours after injection and then fall back to baseline or close to it by the seven day mark. If an injection is only performed once every two weeks the individual is going to experience a massive roller coaster effect in his levels. In some cases, Testosterone Enanthate doses for TRT may fall outside the 100-200mg range. Higher doses are used, but they are rare. Lower doses may occur more commonly but 100-200mg per week is still the most common range.

TRT Performance Testosterone Enanthate Doses:

For the anabolic steroid user who is not using testosterone as a base compound in his cycle yet he does not suffer from low testosterone, he will still need a TRT dose to combat suppression caused by other anabolic steroids. If anabolic steroids are used and no testosterone is present, the individual will fall into a low testosterone state. For this purpose, Testosterone Enanthate doses of 200-250mg per week will be the most common and should protect most all men from a suppressive state. Some may be able to get away with a little less, but most will find they’re most comfortable in this 200-250mg per week range.

Base Performance Testosterone Enanthate Doses:

For true performance enhancement, standard Testosterone Enanthate doses will rest at 500mg per week or an approximate dose close to that mark. Some may prefer 250mg every five days but 500mg per week will be the most common. This is a very well-tolerated dose for most healthy adult men, and while side effects are possible, with proper and responsible use most men should be able to avoid every one. This is the perfect dose for a first time user; in fact, base Testosterone Enanthate doses will be all many men ever need. You will find this level works in each and every cycle no matter how many times you’ve used the hormone or how many cycles you have under your belt.

Higher Testosterone Enanthate Doses:

Testosterone Enanthate Doses of 600-1,000mg per week are not uncommon. Most men will find the 600mg per week range to still be very tolerable. In 1996 the New England Journal of Medicine produced a landmark study using this precise dose in numerous men and the stats and data support a high threshold of toleration claim. However, once Testosterone Enanthate doses begin to surpass this level, we will find the issue of side effects becomes stronger. Many men should be able to tolerate 750-1,000mg per week, but more risk will exist. Further, many men will have no need to reach dosing levels of this range; the risk to reward ratio won’t be worth it for them. If you are someone who needs Testosterone Enanthate doses in this range, ensure you have tolerated the hormone well at lower doses, have plenty of experience and fully understand how to combat the possible adverse effects.

Testosterone Enanthate Doses – Stacks & Duration:

There is no set time frame of use for this compound. Regardless of your Testosterone Enanthate doses, this compound can be used for indefinite periods of time. For the TRT patient, it will be used continuously and non-stop as discontinuing use would return the individual to a low testosterone state. For the performance athlete, full cycles will normally last from 8-12 weeks with 16 weeks not being too uncommon. At this stage, most will want to come off and enter into a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) stage. For the more advance users who live and follow a very hardcore lifestyle, they may simply lower the dose to a TRT level in a bridge phase. However, this type of use presents a lot of risk and cannot be recommended to most. As for stacking, Testosterone Enanthate stacks well with all anabolic steroids.

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