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Human Growth Hormone Doses

Human Growth Hormone doses can vary tremendously depending on the purpose of use and desire of the individual. However, when planning your Human Growth Hormone doses, there are some very important things you need to know and understand. With that in mind, we want to take a look at Human Growth Hormone doses for all possible points and levels of use and answer any questions you might have.

Human Growth Hormone Doses – Important Info:

Regardless of your Human Growth Hormone doses, there is important information you need to understand about administration. The dosing will not change this information; it will apply to high and low doses and everything in between. Regardless of your Human Growth Hormone doses, the mode of administration will affect the hormone’s bioavailability and half-life and it will affect it significantly.

  • Bioavailability: - When injected subcutaneously, the bioavailability of HGH is approximately 75% - When injected intramuscularly, the bioavailability of HGH is approximately 63%
  • Half-Life: - When injected subcutaneously, the half-life of HGH is approximately 3.8 hours - When injected intramuscularly, the half-life of HGH is approximately 4.9 hours

While the half-life of HGH is short regardless of the mode of administration, keep in mind the total affects far outlast the half-life. The significant and dramatic increases in IGF-1 brought on by the hormone’s use will stretch well past the 24 hour mark. As for the bioavailability, you can obtain great results with either method and if subcutaneous injections bother you for some reason intramuscular is always an option. However, we cannot argue with the numbers, regardless of the Human Growth Hormone doses in question, subcutaneous will always provide a stronger concentration.

Therapeutic Human Growth Hormone Doses:

In a therapeutic setting, standard male Human Growth Hormone doses will fall in the 1-3iu per day range. Most men will, however, fall in the 1-2 range or slightly below 1iu. Some men may be prescribed as much as 4iu’s per day, but such therapeutic Human Growth Hormone doses are rare. As for females, standard therapeutic Human Growth Hormone doses will normally fall in the 1-2iu per day range with many women receiving a little less than 1iu per day. Very low doses are quite common in long-term anti-aging plans.

Performance Human Growth Hormone Doses:

Performance based Human Growth Hormone doses can fall within a very wide range. For the male athlete, Human Growth Hormone doses of 2-4iu per day are very common, highly beneficial and without question the most affordable. With this level of dosing the athlete will receive the following:

  • Enhance Fat Loss
  • Enhance Recovery
  • Promote all HGH related Rejuvenation Traits
  • Enhance the use of Anabolic Steroids though Synergy

The above Human Growth Hormone doses represent the most common and safest but many, especially those who are physique minded such as bodybuilders will use higher doses. In order to promote true lean muscle mass growth, most men will need at minimum 6-8iu’s per day for an extended period of time, and this is assuming they are using high quality pharmaceutical grade HGH. Of course, some will use even more; Human Growth Hormone doses above 10iu per day are not unheard of but do increase the risk of use substantially. For the female athlete, Human Growth Hormone doses will normally fall in the 1-2iu per day range. Such doses will provide all the benefits listed above. When extreme growth and enhancement is desired, it’s not uncommon for the dose to fall in the 3-4iu per day range, and in some cases, even higher. However, women will be very susceptible to undesirable growth of the jaw and other related areas with such doses.

Human Growth Hormone Doses – Duration:

Regardless of your Human Growth Hormone doses, this is a hormone that must be used for extended periods of time to present any benefit. A few days or weeks of use will do absolutely nothing for the individual. If fat loss and recovery promotion is what you’re after, 8-12 weeks will be minimum with 8 weeks being almost a waste. Most will be far more satisfied with 16 weeks of continuous use. If you cannot afford 16 weeks of HGH, our recommendation would be waiting until you can. If true anabolic promotion is what you’re after, which will require high Human Growth Hormone doses, six months of use is the minimum time frame of use. In a therapeutic setting, anti-aging and/or rejuvenation, total use will be indefinite and will normally last at least a year if not years on end.

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