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Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT

Hormone replacement therapy is a growing market with seemingly endless potential not only for those involved in process for financial gain but for those seeking its benefits; especially and more increasingly the male population. For years hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been used to combat menopause and many of the same hormones used have also been a large part in the fight against cancer and aides but it is in recent years these same drugs, which have been used by athletes for decades are no being uses as a means to combat old age or to simply give someone an added edge in life itself.
It is no secret that human growth hormone has become one of the more sought after medications the world over. Dubbed as the “fountain of youth” drug, men and women across the globe clamor for a taste; for over a decade it has been rumored to be the key component in keeping celebrities young and vigorous. This same hormone has made headlines time and time again as part of many doping scandals in sports, from baseball to football to cycling, if you’ve watched the news you’ve heard of human growth hormone.

It’s no secret, not anymore, steroidal hormones and other hormones typically reserved for bodybuilding and extreme sports are no longer limited to those pursuits. Commercials for “Low-T” and erectile dysfunction plague the airways but the understanding and knowledge as to what these things are or what causes them is still amiss by many who watch or hear.

What is “Low-T” what is it calling for? Low-T refers to “Low Testosterone” the male hormone which decreases in the body as we age and these commercials are promoting a hormone replacement therapy that will increase testosterone levels in the male patient.

Here’s the shocker to many; when you go to your doctor for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to fix your “Low-T” what is it exactly he’ll be giving you? That’s an easy simple answer yet mind-blowing to some; your doctor will prescribe you anabolic steroids the same steroids you’ve heard of for years that will supposedly kill you if you’re in the same room as a bottle of these evil substances. Does that not raise some questions? If steroids turn you into a raging lunatic who will be dead within forty-two seconds, how then can there be a positive benefit to taking them for “Low-T?”

As mentioned, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been used for years to combat menopausal symptoms but in recent years the numbers have begun to lessen. Several adverse side effects have made themselves prevalent however even at the risk of these side effects many women consider the trade off to be worth it as do their doctors. Contrary to a decline in hormone replacement therapy in females, male hormone replacement therapy (HRT) continues to climb and climb rapidly despite the claims by the federal government that these same hormones will instantly kill you. Now think about that; if you take these hormones in order to perform better at sports or in the gym it will kill you but if you get a prescription for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) using the identical drugs it will improve your life; on what planet and in what universe does this make sense? No sane person can argue this makes sense; it’s doubtful an insane person could make the argument either, yet there seem to be arguments daily in that regard.

The stone cold truth is many males the world over and increasing rapidly in the U.S. are getting prescriptions for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and improving the quality of their lives. At the same time, many doctors and clinics that specialize in hormone replacement therapy are coming under fire. The accusers claim these doctors are prescribing hormones to those who don’t really need them. However, the line to draw as far as “who needs them” is a very difficult one to find. In truth, no one on earth “needs them” no one on earth “needs hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a benefit, it improves your life, and it isn’t a necessity to life such as water and air. Even so, there’s no question, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been proven to dramatically improve the lives of many and will continually be a thriving industry so as long as people desire a better life.

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