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Fat Loss Steroids

A very common question one of the most common of all; what are the best fat loss steroids? While in truth we can accurately say almost all anabolic steroids can lead to a reduction in body fat there are agents that are definitely the best fat loss steroids of all. As there are steroids that are more apt to fulfill this purpose there are also a host of other commonly used agents often mistaken for anabolic steroids when in truth they fall into different categories. While these other agents do in fact lead to body fat reduction and may indeed be placed in the performance enhancing category, many of them are not members of the steroidal family.

The Best Fat Loss Steroids:

As it pertains to pure body fat reduction if we were to list the absolute best fat loss steroids the list would undoubtedly begin with Trenbolone. Trenbolone as a powerful muscle building, strength increasing and hardening agent has also been shown to possess fat reduction qualities. In a roundabout way most anabolic androgenic steroids possess this trait to a degree; by increasing lean tissue we inevitably decrease the total percentage of body fat we carry. Even so, steroids like Trenbolone have been shown to actually reduce stored body fat; while increasing lean tissue, which leads to more pleasing total of fat versus lean tissue, coupled with actual fat reducing qualities, this makes Tren more or less the king of this category when we consider the rates in-which it handles both processes. Beyond Tren, other well-deserving fat loss steroids would include:

  • Winstrol
  • Primobolan
  • Anavar
  • Masteron
  • Equipoise

While these are the most commonly associated with this principle, other steroids can fill the role as well. For example, one of the absolute best all-around steroids for any purpose is that of Testosterone; were talking about Testosterone of almost any form, i.e. Enanthate, Cypionate, Propionate, Sustanon-250 etc. With increased testosterone levels and adequate diet and exercise we can readily burn more fat than we would otherwise.

Common Mistaken Fat Loss Steroids:

As you may or may not be aware, the performance enhancing world is full of many items that are in-fact not anabolic androgenic steroids; many of these items belong to a host of different classes. Of these commonly mislabeled items the one that stands alone as leader of the pack not only by mistaken identity but in its ability to burn fat as well is that of Human Growth Hormone (HGH.) HGH belongs to a class of hormones known as peptide hormones; these are not steroids. While not a steroid, HGH provides better fat reduction qualities than almost any other performance enhancing drug we can mention. To achieve this purpose use will need to be far extended but the results can be more effective and long lasting if the duration of use is adequate; normally only a low dose is needed to achieve this purpose. Beyond HGH many often labeled fat loss steroids that are not steroids at all include:

  • Clenbuterol
  • Cytomel (t-3)
  • Albuterol
  • Ephedrine

Making Use of Fat Loss Steroids:

A common mistake regarding fat loss steroids and steroids in general for that matter is that if you use them results will happen all on their own. Much of this ridiculous way of thinking is due to the manner in-which steroids are perceived by popular culture; as dark substances from a mystical land of evil. The fact of the matter is, if you are using fat loss steroids, if your diet is not that of a calorie deficiency, meaning you are burning more calories per day than you are taking in, then you wont lose fat. You still have to diet and train/exercise; steroids can simply help you burn more fat than you would otherwise, they are not magical.

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