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Cutting Steroids

Bulking steroids, performance steroids and cutting steroids; all three represent a category of discussion and multiple questions but on the whole it is cutting steroids that represent the most discussed of all. The reason is simple; some people want to be enormously muscular, some want to be able to run faster but almost everyone wants a lean hard physique. For most people, they are not professional athletes, they are not competitive bodybuilders and they have no desire to be abnormally big; they’re simply everyday people, gym rats who want to look good, to feel good and nothing more. For these individuals steroids that can help them achieve their end game, their primary purpose will be of the utmost concern and due to this fact the topic of cutting steroids always remains a highly popular one but understand there’s more bad information out there than good.

Cutting Steroids vs. Bulking Steroids:

Let’s be clear, very clear and do away with a myth that plagues the anabolic world; in truth, almost all anabolic androgenic steroids can be used for either purpose and all can have a place in most any type of cycle. The prime example would be of testosterone, the foundation of most all cycles and the best of both worlds. Testosterone can be used to aid in increasing both mass and strength; it can be used to aid in preserving mass and strength while leaning out and it can serve both purposes in a primary way. While most steroids serve a multitude of purposes, most have a primary purpose; testosterone however can in a general sense be said to serve two primary purposes.

Testosterone is not the only steroid that can equally serve both purposes; Trenbolone is perhaps the primary steroid besides testosterone that fills this category. As for the bulk of the rest, most will serve one or the other best but in most all cases as we’ll see, most all so-called cutting steroids can be used for bulking and vice versa.

Primary Cutting Steroids:

While every one of these anabolic androgenic steroids serves a multitude of purposes, each one of the following serves the purpose of cutting to a larger degree than bulking. Granted, many of these same steroids serve high purposes in performance among many athletes; in these cases they are not concerned with bulking or cutting but simply performance; however, it is bulking and cutting we are concerned with here today. Of all the choices available we have comprised three list; the first list is primary cutting steroids; the second list are steroids that serve the purpose equally well with both types of cycles and the third list provides common bulking steroids that can be used successfully as cutting steroids or in a cutting cycle.

1.Winstrol (Stanozolol)
2.Anavar (Oxandrolone)
3.Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone)
4.Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate)
5.Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)
6.Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate)
7.Turinabol (4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone)

-All-Purpose Steroids:

1.Testosterone (Test-E, Cyp, Sust, Prop, Susp, etc)
2.Tren (Trenbolone-Acetate)
3.Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
4.NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

-Primary Bulking Steroids:

1.Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
2.Dianabol/Dbol (Methandrostenolone)
3.Anadrol (Oxymetholone)

It should go without saying, the All-Purpose category is suitable for just that, all purposes; each of these steroids can be well-served in almost any cycle for any purpose. Our other two categories, this is where things get a little different; in short, all the steroids in the Primary Cutting Steroids category and all the steroids in the Primary Bulking Steroids category can be effectively used for the opposite purpose and in many cases very effectively and efficiently. What we’ve done is labeled each in a primary sense, meaning each has secondary attributes that can be used for the opposite purpose. For example, although Anadrol has the primary purpose of adding massive amounts of size it is effectively and efficiently used in many competitive bodybuilders’ competition cycles. The same can be said of all steroids listed above; each has a primary purpose but secondary traits suitable for every purpose; in-short, due to this fact the term “Cutting Steroids” is a bit misleading and for all intense purposes inaccurate.

The Bottom Line:

In the end the key is understanding how each anabolic androgenic steroid you wish to use functions and reacts. Understand proper nutritional intake that meets your end goals and by understanding nutrition and steroid function you will best understand how to maximize the two and reach optimal results. In truth you cannot have an understanding of one and not the other and expect to reach your best; they work together hand-in-hand.

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