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Cost of Steroids

The cost of steroids can vary quite dramatically depending on where you get them from and the grade in-terms of the quality you buy. Of course certain steroids are going to simply cost more than others, especially when you get into the more exotic blends but like all things in life there are standard going rates. The cost of steroids exists in the same manner every other item in life does and much of this revolves around supply and demand. Fortunately for the performance enhancer there is no shortage in anabolic steroids and this keeps the cost reasonable in most cases and while demand is high, very high the amount of suppliers is so vast again this tends to keep the cost of steroids at a generally fair and reasonable rate. Make no mistake, anabolic androgenic steroids are not dirt cheap but in many cases they can be a lot cheaper than many of the over the counter supplements you buy and you can bet that jug of protein powder you just bought that they work a whole lot better.

UG vs. HG:

This should almost go without saying yet for some reason many people cannot understand it. Human Grade (HG) anabolic steroids will always cost more than Underground (UG) anabolic steroids. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise, the cost of steroids made by a UG lab are the equivalent to the generic brand items you might buy at your local super market; this doesn’t mean they’re worthless. However, HG products, while the cost of steroids of a HG nature will be much higher they will always be of the highest quality and this we cannot say of UG steroids. The cost of steroids made by a UG lab while cheaper can often be of a poor quality nature, under-dosed, full of bacteria, not exactly what they’re supposed to be and even completely fake. This doesn’t mean good UG lines don’t exist, they do but they are very few and far between.

Price Guide:

Wherever you get your anabolic steroids from there are certain ones that should remain far cheaper than others and while some price variation may exist there are standard going rates. Your basic testosterones and simple basic steroids such as Dianabol should always be fairly cheap. Remember, the cost of steroids can vary greatly depending on if it’s from a UG or HG line but the cost of steroids in general should be somewhat uniform. To ensure you’re not being ripped off we have listed the cost of steroids according to UG and HG standard going rates of some of the more popular and common steroids on the market. We have not included possible bulk rate pricing as this is impossible to predict but on a standard field the cost of steroids should fall somewhere in the following ranges:

  • Anavar:
  • -UG: $1-$2 per 10mg tablet
  • -HG: $3 per 10mg tablet
  • Anadrol:
  • -UG: $75-$100 per 100 50mg tablets
  • -HG: $100-$200 per 100 50mg tablets (range varies by brand)
  • Dianabol:
  • UG: $50-$75 per 100 5mg tabs
  • HG: $100-$150 per 100 5mg tabs
  • Testosterone-Propionate:
  • UG: $3-$4 per 100mg Amp, $35-$50 per 10ml 100mg/ml Vile
  • HG: $5-$6 per 100mg Amp, $50-$65 per 10ml 100mg/ml Vile
  • Testosterone-Cypionate:
  • UG: $4-$6 per 200mg Amp, $50-$75 per 10ml 200mg/ml Vilel
  • HG: $6-$10 per 200mg Amp, $70-$100 per 10ml 200mg/ml Vile
  • Testosterone-Enanthate:
  • UG: $4-$6 per 250mg Amp, $50-$75 per 10ml 250mg/ml Vile
  • HG: $6-$10 per 250mg Amp, $70-$100 per 10ml 250mg/ml Vile
  • Equipoise:
  • UG: $70-$100 per 10ml 100mg/ml Vile
  • HG: There is no HG Equipoise
  • Trenbolone-Acetate:
  • UG: $6-$8 per 100mg Amp, $80-$100 per 10ml 100mg/ml Vile
  • HG: There is no HG Trenbolone
  • Deca-Durabolin:
  • UG: $4-$7 per 200mg Amp, $80-$100 per 10ml 200mg/ml Vile
  • HG: $8-$10 per 200mg Amp, $150-$200 per 10ml 200mg/ml Vile
  • Winstrol Depot:
  • UG: $7-$8 per 50mg Amp, $80-$90 per 10ml 50mg/ml Vile
  • HG: $9-$12 per 50mg Amp

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