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Cheap Steroids

Find your way to any message board and youll inevitably find a common question; where can I find cheap steroids? No one likes paying more than they have to; no matter how much change you have in your pocket the goal is to keep as much of it as possible but lets really think about the question asked; cheap steroids? This is often the leading concern for most individuals who find themselves purveyors of a local gym and truth be told it is a concern that should be far down the list; we may even say non-existent. When it comes to anabolic steroids we are talking about very powerful hormones indeed, hormones that can produce a host of welcomed benefits as well as a host of problems both physically and legally depending on where you live, thereby making Cheap Steroids a question that should never be asked.

Legal Consequences of Cheap Steroids:

For many of you, walking into your local RX and picking up a bottle of testosterone is perfectly legal; just as you may go in for a bottle of Aspirin you can purchase what you desire no questions asked but for the rest of you it is a different story. If you live in the United States or any country with similar laws, buying anabolic steroids from your corner pharmacy isnt as cut and dry. In places such as the U.S. Canada and Australia the law can be very strict and cheap steroids, well if you desire to stay legal as you should, this is a novel idea you can put on the backburner of thought. In the United States, the poster child of anabolic steroid hysteria, it is illegal to purchase anabolic steroids without a prescription and to obtain a prescription there must be a legitimate medical purpose. In the U.S. the individual can expect to pay between $100-$150 for one 10ml vile of testosterone-cypionate, that is anything but cheap, especially when we consider 10ml is a mere drop in the bucket. However, if cheap steroids are what youre looking for understand this simple truth; if you break the law and are caught, and eventually you will be caught, the money you saved will be flushed down the toilet and you can expect this number to grow at a faster rate than your bicep ever did.

Physical Consequences of Cheap Steroids:

Youve heard the horror stories for years; steroids will kill you, theyll rot your brain, theyll turn you into a raging lunatic; this list goes on and on. If you possess an IQ at least to the liking of Forest Gump you understand these claims to be beyond ridiculous but make no mistake, there are risks. Like many things in life and anabolic steroids make no exception, there is a risk to reward ratio in place; the greater the risk taken the higher the reward but you have increased your odds in obtaining unwelcomed side-effects. Keep in mind, the side-effects of anabolic steroids are not set in stone; they are possible, not guaranteed but the more you take, the longer you use, the greater the chance.

As it pertains to cheap steroids, lets be clear; if you are purchasing cheap steroids more than likely you are doing so illegally and even if youre doing so legally depending on where you live, odds are youre purchasing underground lab anabolic steroids. Underground labs are unlicensed manufactures that are beholden to no man; sanitary measures, there is no standard, dosing and manufacturing procedures, there are no guidelines. It doesnt take a genius to see how this might lead to problems and it is largely thanks to underground labs the hysteria surrounding anabolic steroids exists. Infections, scams, counterfeits, viles and amps of vegetable oil, all of these things usually stem from one thing; you being cheap and unconcerned with your overall health all in the name of cheap steroids; do you feel stupid, we hope so.

The Bottom Line:

When its all said and done there are some basic truths. First and foremost, buy human grade steroids; this should be easy to comprehend; human grade means it is intended for human use, you know, human beings, what you are. Further, always stay in the safety of the law; do not be suckered into lower prices just because you want cheap steroids, not when your health and freedom are at hand. If you understand the law as it pertains to where you live then youre a step ahead of the game; if not its time to brush up to ensure you keep yourself out of trouble. More importantly, regardless of where you live, consult with your doctor before you begin a course of anabolic steroids; talk with your physician, ensure you are healthy enough for use and develop a plan; youll be glad you did.

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