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Buy Viagra

For many years, as almost a saving grace men buy Viagra every day; so much so that many men may indeed buy Viagra more often than common Aspirin. The first of the highly touted erectile dysfunction medications made ready for use in 1998, comprised of the drug Sildenafil Citrate, generally we can apply our knowledge of Cialis with Viagra; the only true difference being each ones half-life which determines its active duration. While Viagra has an active duration that last 6-8 hours, the effects of Cialis extend to 36 hours but each one fills its role perfectly but many men prefer to buy Viagra simply because it was the first.

Why Buy Viagra?

Men buy Viagra for one reason only, because sexual performance is gone due to erectile dysfunction. Men the world over suffer from this problem and quite commonly so do many anabolic steroid users. Many steroid users find at the end of a cycle, as they enter into PCT they struggle with this condition as there hormonal levels may be all over the map. Further, while it is less common on cycle some will still suffer, especially if testosterone is suppressed to a great degree without remedy. Most commonly is those who use anabolic steroids without testosterone or who may indeed use testosterone but not enough; for example, large doses of Nandrolone based steroids can bring about erectile dysfunction when testosterone levels are too low. When these instances occur many men find they will necessarily need to buy Viagra or simply give up on the idea of sex. 

Buy Viagra or Cialis?

Both medications work equally well; as discussed the only significant difference is the active duration. Many men are best served by trying Viagra first, that way if problems occur they will be short lived as this medication is very short in duration. However, some men will never be able to pin point the exact moment sex is going to occur and if that is the case when you buy Viagra you may actually want to consider Cialis instead.

Buy Viagra Tabs & Liquids:

You will find you can buy Viagra in two commonly available forms, simple tablets or in a liquid solution you simply drink. Both forms carry the same active drug, Sildenafil Citrate but in some cases the liquids can be unstable and hard to dose correctly; especially from inappropriate sources. Regardless of the form, in most cases either will get the job done and make any man a happy man.

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