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Buy Cialis

Many men buy Cialis every day and each passing day the amount of men who buy Cialis appears to increase due to the powerful nature of this sexual enhancing drug. Comprised of the drug Tadalafil Citrate, for the most part we can apply what we know of Viagra with Cialis; the largest difference being each ones active duration. While Viagra will produce effects that last 6-8 hours, the effects of Cialis stretch to 36 hours and even as far as 48 hours making it a much more logical choice for many men.

Why Buy Cialis?

Men buy Cialis for one simple reason, to treat erectile dysfunction; while this is a problem faced by many men, steroid users often makeup a large portion of this segment of the population for a host of various reasons. Some steroid users find when they come off cycle and enter the PCT period they struggle with this condition and while many do not have this problem while on cycle due to increased levels of testosterone, some will find it to be very real even on cycle. If you do not supplement with testosterone while using other anabolic steroids there is a good chance you will fall prey to this problem. Further, even if you are supplementing with testosterone but using other very suppressive steroids and not enough testosterone to match you will find a need to buy Cialis or you can wave goodbye to sex.

Buy Cialis or Viagra?

Both medications will get the job done but while Viagra will cause headaches in some men the negative side-effects associated with Cialis are very few and very rare. Further, because Cialis has a much further extended activity time and most of us cannot pin-point the exact moment sex is going to occur it only makes sense to buy Cialis when comparing the two. Granted, both will get the job done but one gives you a little more leeway and is simply a smoother ride.

Buy Cialis Tabs & Liquids:

You will find you can buy Cialis in two commonly available forms, simple tablets or in a liquid solution you simply drink. Both forms carry the same active drug, Tadalafil Citrate but in some cases the liquids can be unstable and hard to dose correctly; especially from inappropriate sources. Regardless of the form, in most cases either will get the job done and make any man a happy man.

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